May Meeting!

Rarend99 will have to be the uber for all of us. He has a beer, next thing u know u have a mad man, finished off keg, and a turd in the hallway. Plz no beer for Robbie

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Good news boys and girls i participated in the A.R.C. live sale bought 5 supper nice corals. Today i found out i won a 10 zoa pack in the raffle. Some will be dropped off in our raffle.
Opps that was supposed to say Sean. Been super busy sorry. Meeting is next week. I'm getting excited about meeting again and taking all the corals from you reef nerds lol. I'll also be bring the BRS Rodi unit I won and placing back in the raffle and lots of frags of course. Robert, thanks again for hosting. Let us know what to bring for food and such.
So i am gonna be making crock pot wings so if you wanna bring stuff centered around that it would be great
Hi, My name is Rick, I started reefing last November and would like to come to the meeting this Saturday if that's ok.
I cant wait to show off my new tank, i sent out a sneak peek photo of the 1st time the tank was lit to a few close members all came back with great responses
Man these meetings on Saturdays are killing me with my new schedule! Hopefully a Sunday will work someday