Does anyone have any thoughts on oyster feast as an sps food? Any one use it? Notice results? I have a bottle in fridge but never really used it. Thinking it may give a bit more nutrition to corals, maybe help stop new growth being so white?
Just read through your thread. You have some awesome corals. I am hoping my efflo looks like yours in year or two and that Tenius is very cool.
I noticed you are in Kirkland. I am in Sammamish. I suggest you frag those Borealis and Selago trouble makers and I'll happily take the bits off your hands!
I am struggling with low nutrients as well on a relatively new 4 month old tank. I am running AIO pellets and I assumed that was the primary cause. Your low nutrients sound a bit mysterious. I also get an algae haze after 24 hours but I still trust my test kits based on several of my pale colored corals. A few corals are holding their color well but most are on the pale side.
I am feeding heavily and reducing the volume of biopellets trying to slowly raise nutrients with limited success. I always test 0 on the nitrates (Elos) and occasionally get a blip of PO4 (Hanna). It is a 90G (also from Oceans by Design) with 11 small to medium fish so meets or exceeds the Biggles recommended fish quotient. I just started small doses of Calcium Nitrate - another freshwater plant fertilizer. Colors might be improving a little but too early to tell.
I'll be following your thread to see how N dosing works for you.
Mike, check this out... In case you haven't already.. And sit down while you look!
Wow this is beautiful. Its so clean!
Tank looks beautiful Michael, and yes FTS are tough. That efflo is such a cool center piece, I love it!
I am also a little annoyed with my hanna alk checker. Tested 3 times in a row with 3 different results with a 20 ppm spread.
+1, had a little tip burn start last week, Hana tested ALK at 7.6. Cross checked with a brand new Salifert, ALK came in at 8.7. Not impressed. All other perams within expected range. Reagent was opened 3 weeks ago after dumping the previous batch due to floating debris. Just about to dump this little egg in the trash :mad2:
Oooooh, I like this coral..
Can take highish light but does very nicely down low as well.