Mike's 200g

Here is a pic I took of my father in law's tank. I took it last night just with a gel filter and phone. I wanted to show the 21 pieces of coral we got (all the maricultured pieces on the sand bed) colors are a little funky due to the gel filter.

Matt how do you reckon I should start with the AF products I got? Maybe go half doses of a, b,v, and coral food? Hold off on e for now or go for it?
I will prob dose a little of the bacteria for now even so thought the carbon source just to boost the good bacteria cultures in the tank. Sound like a good plan or (from a more experienced user like yourself) do you think there might be any issues?

That sounds like a good plan. Dose every other day for now:)
That sounds like a good plan. Dose every other day for now:)

My system is 200g so I was thinking
Monday - 4 drops a and v
Tuesday - 4drops b (possibly e in future)
Wednesday - a and v
Thursday - b and e and coral food (not sure how much)
Friday- a and v
Sat - b and e
Sun- coral food (not sure how much)

Can coral a and v be dosed same day?

Also do you think 2 drops probio s each day would be of any benefit or just a waste.. Especialy without carbon source?
My system is 200g so I was thinking
Monday - 4 drops a and v
Tuesday - 4drops b (possibly e in future)
Wednesday - a and v
Thursday - b and e and coral food (not sure how much)
Friday- a and v
Sat - b and e
Sun- coral food (not sure how much)

Can coral a and v be dosed same day?

Also do you think 2 drops probio s each day would be of any benefit or just a waste.. Especialy without carbon source?
That looks good, I dose A and V together. I don't know if the Probio S would be of any benefit. I don't think it would hurt though.
Was picking up some mysis from a LFS and they had a 2 litre container of seachem matrix. So I thought why not? Its just rock that can't hurt anything right? Only place for bacteria. Now my question is... I don't want to run it in a reactor so how should I run it? I see Biggles just chucked it on the floor of his sump, but I would like to be able to remove it more easily for cleaning. I think some pieces would fall through an egg crate box
Was picking up some mysis from a LFS and they had a 2 litre container of seachem matrix. So I thought why not? Its just rock that can't hurt anything right? Only place for bacteria. Now my question is... I don't want to run it in a reactor so how should I run it? I see Biggles just chucked it on the floor of his sump, but I would like to be able to remove it more easily for cleaning. I think some pieces would fall through an egg crate box

You can put it in a mesh bag and then lay it in the sump. It takes a while to start doing its thing apparently, around 90 days to be fully seeded.
AF products have arrived. I think I will follow my proposed schedule above but start from the beginning with the coral E. At 4 drops every tuesday, thursday, Saturday. The AF manual says to use coral b and e everyday but for now I will go with 3 times a week and go from there (all my doses are lower than recommended so if any current users thinks I will see no benefit not dosing daily please let me know)
The other change is I am going to start daily 6 drops of pro bio s to keep up good bacteria populations.
Today the fish got no food and no aquaforest dosing. I was just too busy with something way more important.
We spent the day at the hospital with my wife for the birth of our second child. A baby girl!
Tank will be fine for a day.
Tomorrow morning I might have my father in law just stop by and feed a cube or 2 of mysis. I should be home by evening.

Very excited and happy both mother and baby are doing well.
Today the fish got no food and no aquaforest dosing. I was just too busy with something way more important.
We spent the day at the hospital with my wife for the birth of our second child. A baby girl!
Tank will be fine for a day.
Tomorrow morning I might have my father in law just stop by and feed a cube or 2 of mysis. I should be home by evening.

Very excited and happy both mother and baby are doing well.

Congratulations Mike to you and your family!!!:celeb2:
Hi everyone so quick update. probably the last one I will do for a while. I don't plan on adding much more coral and just want to let things grow really. I will add more fish though.


so far I like what I have been seeing. its only been a couple weeks but I feel maybe the water and tank look a little cleaner and some corals have some nice color happening.... of course this could all be in my head.
Currently I am dosing;
pro bio S- 6 drops daily in the morning
Coral A and V - 5 drops Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Coral B and E - 4 drops everyday
Coral food - 3 spoons 3 times a week.

my nutrients have remained very low so far and will probably up my doses coming up very soon.

fish are all looking healthy to me. I feed 6 cubes of frozen a day with 2 rotations of my auto feeder for flake and pellet. Recently I have started using selcon on the frozen food every now and then (about 2 times a week). I will put algae on a clip when I feel like it.
I am hoping to add 8 springeri damsels to the tank. I have heard good things regarding them as a predator for AEFW and they do not have as aggressive nature as other damsels.

the couple corals that were exhibiting bite marks I no longer see them on so I am hopeful I caught them early. Any way taking the tank down to dip etc. is not really an option anymore.

Monti caps growth is really giving me problems and shading acros. unfortunately I cant take it all out because my wife really loves how its growing. I will have to just cut it back.

last few pictures for a while to follow. I managed to sneak some time while the new baby, wife and son were all sleeping the other day.

Thanks for looking everyone