Ok, so as Sahin asked i am going to do a write up of how i am running my system currently and then some changes that will happen in the near future.
lets start with the display.
tank - 72x27x24 200 gallon custom starfire build. coast to coast overflow "trough" into a center internal overflow
custom steel stand and skin with matching, open top, canopy.
custom sump
lighting- 5 radion g3 with custom schedule + 4 t5 bulbs (2BP, 2CP)
Skimmer- Reef octopus prime elite 200
return- lifeguard aquatics quiet one... forgot what size
Biopellet reactor (for now)- reef dynamics recirculating
internal flow - 4 neptune wav pumps and 2 mp40's
dosing pumps- neptune Wav and Jebao dosing pump.
heater- 2x ehiem .. forgot which wattage.
Controller- Neptune apex (ph, temp, orp, cond)
Tank started with brs fiji dry rock and Dr tims one and only
feeding, maintenece, and dosing
feed 5-6 cubes of frozen food per day (mix of mysis, spirulina brine and some smaller size food every now and then for the smaller anthias, auto feeder rotates 3 times per day feeding a mix of seaweed extreme pellets and new life spectrum pellets.
AF dosing
Everyday in the AM
8 drops pro bio S
6 drops NP pro (I am still currently am using up my remaining AIO biopellets, as they are wearing down i am upping the dose of NP pro to 8 drops and then BP's will be removed)
Daily in pm (after lights out)
8 drops Coral Energy
8 drops Coral Build
5 spoons powder food
Everyother day in pm (mon, wed, fri, sun)
8 drops coral Amino mix
8 drops coral vitality
I am dosing the AF balling method mixing my own instead of buying the premixed. However i put slightly less of the components strong into each container than full dose (i put a 10 litre dose in 12.5 litres of solution) because i saw a slight bit of tisue loss on a couple corals similar to what i had seen before when i added extra trace elements ontop of the fauna marin balling lite.
currently dose 380ml of each component
other filtration
about 1.5 cups brs lignite carbon run passivly in the sump changed monthly
filter sock changed roughly every couple of days (although clogs daily)
currently a few AIO biopellets in reactor
Water change about 25 gallon biweekly with AF probiotic salt
frag tank
very small, about 10 gallon, connected to main systtem just through a pump in the first chamber of my sump, returning into skimmer chamber.
lighting is 2 single puck "crystal reef leds" i believe they are called helios or something. Flow provided by a Jebao rw4. frag tank is kinda new and still trying to work out lights over it as i have no experience with these before... i know i need to increase the intensity at the monent though.
Desired parameters
Alk 7.5
Ca 410
mag 1300
no3 less than 1
po4. 0.02
upcoming changes....
As the biopellets wear down i will likely remove them completely and switch to the "stack method" with zeomix, carbon, phosphate minus. reactor i will likely purchase is the vertex 2.5l one. not sure what size and kind of feed pump i will get for it yet though.
increase intensity of lights over frag tank slowly
increase duration t5s are on in the display to about 6 hours.
Hope you enjoyed the right up.. sorry it was pretty long and boring.
and because i cant help myself when i visit the LFS (and if you really read all of that you deserve something nice to look at) here is a new pick up... taken just 5 minutes after BAYER dip (never anything else again) and being placed in my frag tank. cant wait to see it when it settles in and gets happy.