Mike's 200g

The devastation after dipping smooth skin corals...so of which were looking great before dipping but I thought "might as well" dip them as they are easy to get out and I was dipping other corals... Lesson learnt... Never again.
Warning the following pictures are disturbing and not suitable for any audiences anywhere.

A beautiful larger red dragon colony that was awesome only 4 days ago :( I guess the good news on this one is I did have a frag of it in my frag tank that I didn't dip.still hurts.

Another type of dragon that was maricultured.....toast

More to follow....
My awesome hawkins echinata... Was starting to grow really nice...why did I dip again?! I wanted this guy to get like Perry's. I will have to look for another and start again.

If any one is interested the dip I used was MeCoral wash off as I had heard good things about it from a number of trusted sources. And it was fine on other acros just not the smooth skins. Its still going in the trash because I'm super mad at it. I mixed a little under recommended strength and dip the "minimum dip time"
Ugh.. Sorry to see that, Mike. :(
I've never heard of mecoral but I'll be sure to avoid it..
I have never had that happen to me with bayer and healthy, stable acros- even smooths.
I've lost only a very few newly shipped acros..
I don't think you should 'never dip again' if you see evidence of parasitism. Just try a different dip
Ugh.. Sorry to see that, Mike. :(
I've never heard of mecoral but I'll be sure to avoid it..
I have never had that happen to me with bayer and healthy, stable acros- even smooths.
I've lost only a very few newly shipped acros..
I don't think you should 'never dip again' if you see evidence of parasitism. Just try a different dip

Agreed.. Just never dipping again with that dip.

Like I said I usually use Bayer and never lost anything because of it. Wanted something clear instead.
Hey buddy. That Pearlberry looks stunning. So sorry about loosing those acros to dipping. I've always used TLF Revive and dont lose smooth skinned acros (I do dip them with less strength). I have Bayer but because I am so accustomed to using it without issues I dont us anything else.

Your corals are looking stunning; whatever you are doing, keep doing that. Your tank has hit a sweetspot and hence things look good. Its a shame the AEFW are a nuisance.

Perhaps you can summarise your filtration/dosing/maintenance for us?

I'd be very happy with your achievement buddy.
Sahin I will do a summary this evening when I get a chance. Thanks for stopping by and the kind words.

Quick question for everyone.
When testing with a par meter, flow on or flow off?
I can't believe you're going through AEFW, my worst nightmare. Sorry about the smooth skins, that's a terrible loss. :(
Ok, so as Sahin asked i am going to do a write up of how i am running my system currently and then some changes that will happen in the near future.

lets start with the display.

tank - 72x27x24 200 gallon custom starfire build. coast to coast overflow "trough" into a center internal overflow

custom steel stand and skin with matching, open top, canopy.

custom sump

lighting- 5 radion g3 with custom schedule + 4 t5 bulbs (2BP, 2CP)

Skimmer- Reef octopus prime elite 200

return- lifeguard aquatics quiet one... forgot what size

Biopellet reactor (for now)- reef dynamics recirculating

internal flow - 4 neptune wav pumps and 2 mp40's

dosing pumps- neptune Wav and Jebao dosing pump.

heater- 2x ehiem .. forgot which wattage.

Controller- Neptune apex (ph, temp, orp, cond)

Tank started with brs fiji dry rock and Dr tims one and only

feeding, maintenece, and dosing

feed 5-6 cubes of frozen food per day (mix of mysis, spirulina brine and some smaller size food every now and then for the smaller anthias, auto feeder rotates 3 times per day feeding a mix of seaweed extreme pellets and new life spectrum pellets.

AF dosing

Everyday in the AM
8 drops pro bio S
6 drops NP pro (I am still currently am using up my remaining AIO biopellets, as they are wearing down i am upping the dose of NP pro to 8 drops and then BP's will be removed)

Daily in pm (after lights out)
8 drops Coral Energy
8 drops Coral Build
5 spoons powder food

Everyother day in pm (mon, wed, fri, sun)
8 drops coral Amino mix
8 drops coral vitality

I am dosing the AF balling method mixing my own instead of buying the premixed. However i put slightly less of the components strong into each container than full dose (i put a 10 litre dose in 12.5 litres of solution) because i saw a slight bit of tisue loss on a couple corals similar to what i had seen before when i added extra trace elements ontop of the fauna marin balling lite.
currently dose 380ml of each component

other filtration

about 1.5 cups brs lignite carbon run passivly in the sump changed monthly

filter sock changed roughly every couple of days (although clogs daily)

currently a few AIO biopellets in reactor

Water change about 25 gallon biweekly with AF probiotic salt

frag tank

very small, about 10 gallon, connected to main systtem just through a pump in the first chamber of my sump, returning into skimmer chamber.
lighting is 2 single puck "crystal reef leds" i believe they are called helios or something. Flow provided by a Jebao rw4. frag tank is kinda new and still trying to work out lights over it as i have no experience with these before... i know i need to increase the intensity at the monent though.

Desired parameters

Alk 7.5
Ca 410
mag 1300
no3 less than 1
po4. 0.02

upcoming changes....

As the biopellets wear down i will likely remove them completely and switch to the "stack method" with zeomix, carbon, phosphate minus. reactor i will likely purchase is the vertex 2.5l one. not sure what size and kind of feed pump i will get for it yet though.

increase intensity of lights over frag tank slowly

increase duration t5s are on in the display to about 6 hours.

Hope you enjoyed the right up.. sorry it was pretty long and boring.

and because i cant help myself when i visit the LFS (and if you really read all of that you deserve something nice to look at) here is a new pick up... taken just 5 minutes after BAYER dip (never anything else again) and being placed in my frag tank. cant wait to see it when it settles in and gets happy.

Thanks for the details. What changes have you seen as a result of using the Aquaforest products?
Nice pick up, Mike.
And good little write up.
How long have you had you n and p where they are now?

My n and p have basically been at these values since the tank started. Even after my cycle my n never got above 5 ppm.
Lately I have seen a little increase in my n.. Maybe up to 2.5. Probably attributed to a slight increase in feeding and possibly the biopellets wearing down and not raising the np pro dose to match.
Thanks for the details. What changes have you seen as a result of using the Aquaforest products?

I wouldn't say I have noticed any huge major changes. Prrobably because my tank was already running very well before hand, the parameters were always about the same, and my colors were already pretty good. I like to think I have slightly better colors,growth has been good (always was but maybe better) I do feed a little bit more now.
I do like the system very much and will continue with completely. Even remove the parts of my system that are not AF to solely use their products (changing our biopellets for np pro, Zoe mix, phosphate minus, and change from brs carbon to AF)
Of course in our systems it is almost impossible to solely attribute any changes to just one thing so who knows my tank might look exactly the same as it does now without the AF. But I like to think it has made a slight difference and I will continue to use it.
Here are a couple more things hiding away in my frag tank. They need more light to show colors better and I am slowly increasing the intensity. These are shared pieces between my father in law and myself so when the time comes they will be fragged accordingly.

It was good seeing you at the store yesterday. Looking forward to you getting some of those frags in the display! BTW, I can't remember, are you using the zeo mix stones right now?
Not using the zeo mix, phosphate minus, or af carbon right now (using up a different carbon first).
Once my All in one biopellets are used up, I am guessing I will need to implement phosphate minus to keep po4 at it's current level and I may need the zeomix to keep my no3 under 1 where I like it. Carbon I always like to use, normally I run passive but will likely use the AF stack method when I change over.

Looking forward to making it over to see your set up.
Your tank is one of the nicest tanks! Would you mind sharing your custom Radion profile?

Thank you superdragon! I'm not sure how to share my radion graph in here (in not very computer smart) but I'm sure if you sent me a pm with your email address I could send it to you.