Minh's new magnificent Magnifica


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I just got this Magnifica from Anemoneguy here on RC. I love the color. It is still a little stressed from travel, but improving all the time.
Under day light, 5000K light, it is very beautiful bright yellow tentacles. and under the usual reef light it is very beautiful green tentacles.
It is as beautiful as my very nice yellow tentacles I had, and lost many years ago.
I will use this thread to document the progress of this anemone. Thanks to Anemoneguy who let me buy this very beautiful anemone from him.

Last week, Anemoneguy send him on Thursday to hold at the FedEx office for me to pick up. I had a busy day but arrange to have 12-2 off so I can pick him up and get him into my QT tank set up at home. Instead of arriving to the FedEx office hand hold for pick up, they loaded on to one of the truck and send it on a merry rounds around the town. I was told to pick him up at about 7-8 PM (instead of 12 PM) when the truck get back to the FedEx office at the end of the day.:headwally::headwally:

I spend 2 hrs and got him diverted to my work and it got to me at 3:00 PM. I unpack him. He seem OK, but I cannot do anything until 7PM Friday so I put him back in the Styrofoam box.

When I got home Friday, the water was cloudy and a little smelly. I did a quick unpack, and rinsed him with DT water to get rid of everything I can and put him in my HP tank. He seem stressed but did not deflated after the initial deflation. Below are pictures in Friday, Sat, Sun and today. He is looking a lot better, not healthy by any mean but should recover fine. He is a little bleached also, but this should be no problem.

Very well pack by Anemoneguy. Too bad that FedEx cause him a little problem.

On arrival. Notice the triple bags, each separately tied with double rubber bands and thick Styrofoam box with peanut and heating bags.



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Friday in HT, no med. I have not treat him with antibiotic, but I do have Cipro if needed.





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Sat 2/11




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today 2/13/2017
Not at his potential yet but I have very high hope for this anemone once he recovered and under bright light.




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Anemone is in HT lighted by a Kessil 360. Picture taken with either all the blue light off or max on both blue and white light. This PM I will take same view with all white, or both white and blue on at max level.

This two pictures really show the potential of this anemone. First picture just white light on the Kessil. The second picture under max of white and blue light.




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  • Yellow tipped Mag 2017011304.jpg
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nice nem Minh. a local guy selling large 12" for a purple base $110 and no taker. i passed on it as i am waiting for a red base. i cant have 2 mag in a 180, they will block lights from anything underneath it.
He is about 7-8 inches. Column color is nice, especially brightly color one. I like tentacles color too, especially bright column and bright tentacles.
Just throw some acans underneath it. :cool:

That's a good looking mag. Aquatic Collection had a couple like that this past weekend but the base was not brightly colored.
Looking good. I've got the other half of this guy. I was lucky enough to not have the FedEx issues and it's looked great since day one. I think I may even like it better than the blue gig I picked up from anemoneguy. And the gig is amazing as well. Im sure yours will be back to 100% in no time.
Nice looking nem Minh. Exactly what is the color of the foot of the anemone? It's tough to really tell under blue lights.
Wonderful anemone! Love Mags and that is definitely a nice one. Finding one with nice color to the tentacles like that is especially hard. Good luck with him!
