Minh's new magnificent Magnifica

Nice, I want to see more of this purple topped mag in the background!
I got him from AD87. I got picture of him some where. Somehow that Zooxanthellae of this anemone is so dark that it really take away from the purple tip. I want to really blast him with light and see if I can get the purple darker and the Zooxanthellae lighter, but have not get around to this. I am sure under extremely high light this anemone would be exceptional.



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Stills gorgeous anemone. You don't see as many purple tips mag in the trade. I'm still looking for one for my collection, but may finally have one on the way soon. Your collection is nice Minh, how many do you have now?
I only have three Mags. These two and one other one, purplish tentacles with yellow/green tip. I am sure you seen that one.
Beautiful new mag Minh! What color should it be when it colors up for you? In the first few photos it looks like a very nice purple/gold, but your last couple of pictures look more yellow or maybe neon green. Very much looking forward to future pictures of this beaut, thanks for sharing. :)
Nice to see the transformation pics, and glad it's doing well, which is amazing after the shipping stress it went through.

I'm not familiar w/ Aquatic Collection, where in CA is this?
I am hoping for green tentacles or bright yellow tentacles. Either would be fine with me.

The tips are yellow on mine with the tentacles themselves being lavender like the base color. I don't think mine is bleached at all but maybe it will pick up some more color as it fully settles in.
gorgeous piece i know they require at least 120 gallons but was wondering how bad would it be if i put a small one in a 30 gallon? obviously it will outgrow it but other than powerheads do smaller tanks actually harm the coral somehow? like how does it get stressed from smaller tanks? not like the glass hurts it right? lol
If you really know what you are doing, you can keep a small Magnifica in a 30-60 gal cube. Don't feed him and he will can stay there for a long time. I have keep small Mag in a 28 gal cube for years. There was a thread about this back in 2012 or so. He was a really beautiful Magnifica also.
Just a caution, not everyone can do this.
If you really know what you are doing, you can keep a small Magnifica in a 30-60 gal cube. Don't feed him and he will can stay there for a long time. I have keep small Mag in a 28 gal cube for years. There was a thread about this back in 2012 or so. He was a really beautiful Magnifica also.
Just a caution, not everyone can do this.

Kind of off topic but what are your thoughts on an LTA in a 29g? I'm thinking of plumbing a 29g that i have laying around into my new 65g that i'm setting up. I think a red or purple LTA with about 4" of sand, minimal rock, and seagrass (shoal grass, specifically) would look nice. I know the LTA could potentially take up most of the tank but I'd be fine with that since it would be its own tank. Think it would get too big and look awkward?
29 gal would be small for a full grown LTA. However if you start small, and once you get him to near the size you want then stop feeding, he will be fine for years. IME LTA like deeper sand. 4 inches is bare minimum. May want at least 5 inches to keep him from moving.
29 gal would be small for a full grown LTA. However if you start small, and once you get him to near the size you want then stop feeding, he will be fine for years. IME LTA like deeper sand. 4 inches is bare minimum. May want at least 5 inches to keep him from moving.

Cool thanks for the input. 5 inches is doable, i'll keep that in mind if i decide to set up that tank
i read they need pristine water conditions does this mean they have to have gfo and carbon running? can regular water changes be adequate? also i have a 60watt Led is that too weak or barely enough maybe? are kessil 90watt leds even strong enough cause i may consider that too? thanks minh!
If you really know what you are doing, you can keep a small Magnifica in a 30-60 gal cube. Don't feed him and he will can stay there for a long time. I have keep small Mag in a 28 gal cube for years. There was a thread about this back in 2012 or so. He was a really beautiful Magnifica also.
Just a caution, not everyone can do this.

my 30 gallon isn't a cube but i'm going to try this anyway thanks minh!
My anemone really like the spot I picked for him. No moving what so ever. Still bleached but doing well. I tried feeding but so far he have not eaten.



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