Mo's 6ftx8ftx3ft SPS Reef Tank

How do stop any detritus and stuff from getting behind the rock walls and becoming a nitrate trap

There's not much space behind the rock walls. They are right up against the glass and I can't see very much detritus in there at all.

I get a bit between the weir and the rock in the back corners, which I siphon out during water changes.

can you take some back room pictures again...
i remember watching you build and change so much, but just wanted to see how it looks today!

how are your light fixtures doing? i know you have tried a few different light bulb combinations. what are your current bulbs, and how do they compare!

thanks in advance!
I'll try and get some sump room shots soon.
The overall layout hasn't changed. I added a chaeto basket in the main sump and stopped my pellet reactor.

The lights are 3x Giesemann Spectra units.
9x400W 10K Reeflux
10x Narva Blue T5 tubes.
2x KZ Fiji Purple T5 tubes.

I tried 400W Radiums, but burned the coral tips and lost a few... prob ramping up too early (14 days).

The units originally came with 14K Giesemann's, which were ok too.

The corals love the 10K Reeflux most out of all the bulbs I have tried.

Very well thought out planning and execution. I can wait to see it in 2 or 3 years.

The corals love the 10K Reeflux most out of all the bulbs I have tried.

really? I have alway been partial to radiums but runs what works for you I guess. I have alway gotten the best color and growth out of radiums.
Thanks. I like Radiums, but each time I run 9 of them, it seems to overpower the corals, ?maybe with uv spectrum. The 10K's get really good growth whilst being gentle on the corals. If I run a mix of MH bulbs, the different colours are visible in the tank, so I run the 10K's and offset it with blue T5's.
