Active member
This is one of if not the best build that I have seen. I am very impressed with all of the detail and engineering. Makes me want to go bigger.
Nice Job!
Nice Job!
Thanks guys,
I had a little move around, so I could add some more pieces! :thumbsup:
The Big Milka stylo fell of it's perch at the back and cracked through the big green stag, so i took it out, as I have another 2ft colony of it!. The table and the green Hystrix at the front have now been moved to the back and the ceramic island at the front now has some new small colonies on it, so i can watch them grow.
I also moved a nice echinata from the middle left to right at the front, so I could see it better.
Here it is!"¦. I use this colony to turn GFO on and off. The base goes from white to green, depending on phos levels !. I run 0.02 to 0.05 phos.
Way back in the build pictures, what are the two two cone shaped graduated cylinders going to the tank? What is there special purpose?
I had a small move around to add some smaller pieces at the front, so I can watch them grow :thumbsup:
I'm not Mo obviously, but here is a blurb from his Ultimate Reef TOTM write up that addresses your question.
"The front panel is 19mm Optiwhite glass and the other panels are standard 19mm glass. The double base is built from 5x 19mm glass panels, which are siliconed onto a stainless steel powder coated frame. The lower layer has two sheets of glass and the upper layer has three."