Because I maintain and have maintained multiple tanks at a time I have had the pleasure of trying numerous skimmers including my latest DC pump skimmer. Although it is true there have been changes in style and power I disagree vehemently that this represents significant improvement. Just like LEDs the single biggest cost in skimmers is not power but initial purchase. How many people use their skimmer or light longer than 10 years? Answer: very, very few. Saving a few pennies a year on a DC pump is nothing compared to the initial purchase price.
Second, and to me of far greater importance, is reliability and overflow protection. Modern skimmers, especially in sump varieties, will ALWAYS some day or other overflow, or worse if you have a lift-off top and use the skimmer externally the skimmer can overflow and dump water all over the floor.
Third, the pumps don't last as long in a reef with lots of healthy growth. On average the needle wheel skimmers I have tried over the years lasted 3 months or so before I had to disassemble and clean the needle wheel and the pumps have yet to last longer than about 2 years before calcium carbonate buildup ruined the pump and required replacement or at the very least a new part or two.
Fourth the external airtight collection cup can be large enough to allow cleaning once a month. Let's see you try that with an in sump needle wheel DC pump skimmer.
Fifth, my skimmer doesn't care what the water level is. The skimmer intake is in the bottom of the sump. Water level is irrelevant, and setup is trivial. Install the intake line, turn on the pump, adjust the air intake to the height you like, and you're done . . . forever . . .
Lastly contact time, volume, and through-put. The very tiny amount of research that has been done on skimmers has shown that contact time and volume were the biggest determinate of efficiency. I guarantee that no modern skimmer has longer contact time or greater volume than my MTC HSA.
My MTC HSA 1000 is 15 years old. My Iwaki 55 is also 15 years old. On the occasion where my skimmer goes nuts for some reason my air tight screwed in collection cup with waste collector has saved the day by "sealing" off the waste cup from further collection. No mess on the floor, no waste dumping back into the sump.
Long story short. . .
Marketing hype reigns supreme once again.
Do "modern" skimmers work more efficiently from an electric standpoint? Yes. Do they represent any improvement in actual waste removal? Emphatically NO!
Skimmer's like lights are a personal choice and that's what makes the world a wonderful place in which to live because there is a choice for everybody, but if you think old tech like the MTC HSA is somehow a lesser choice just because its "old" you are sadly mistaken.