Awesome stuff!...Your colours are looking great! :bounce3:
Where do you keep your true undata? Loks like its really flourishing!!
Thanks. Not sure if you can see in the latest FTS, it is right near the bottom, center of tank, slightly on the right side (between the hawkins and the yellow surharsonoi). It is really starting to grow now, at first was a bit slow but it is really taking off.
Hahaa only in a good way.... Heh...
Hey man, i figure i can say it because my sump looks like Windsor..(if u watch Colbert then u know what im talking about!) lol
Also I would say that the majority of successful sps tanks have ugly sumps
I have been watching Colbert almost nightly as that is when I do a bottle with my son and put him back to bed - but I missed that episode, but certainly heard about it afterward!
sub sub sub SUBSCRIBED!
Great thread. Lots of good info on your tank and pictures. Man, your pictures are amazing!
Couple questions
1) How often do you do water changes, say before you had your skimmer problem/nutrient increase? and are you doing more water changes now to help with balancing your tank again???
2) Do you use an auto doser for your BRS two part?
I just read through the whole thread and I'm pretty sure these questions aren't answered. Thanks in advance!
I do a water change roughly once every two weeks. I upped that during my period of issues more recently, but am pretty much back to that schedule. I do have my Ca and Alk on 2-part dosers. I actually just upped the dosages as my Ca had fallen below 300 and my Alk was at 6.7... so I slowly bumped them back up and suddenly some pieces are showing a burst of new growth.
thank you for the picture and its just what I thought it would look like. I started dosing vodka right now but I have everything ready to go if I want to have a refugium. I see you use gfo does it have any negative impact on your refugium at all? I guess what I am asking is do the live algea you grow in the refugium grow better of worse with the gfo?
I used to have cheato in there but it just made a mess of my tank and didn't grow very well. With vodka or biopellets not very necessary in my opinion. There is some nuisance algae in there, but overall when ideally healthy, there isn't much algae in the system, and I don't sweat the GFO/Carbon being in that compartment, it is online in the system and the fug really isn't used primarily for nutrient export.
You are pretty good in keeping a copper band butterfly with 2 tangs. I don't have much luck doing that. Nice beautiful FTS.
Your coral shots are always the best -- stunning!
I added my regal not too long ago, and the power blue tang I had went nuts on him. I caught him some how miraculously and sold him to a fellow reefer. I then added the CBB and a new, small PBT at the same time. The CBB was small at the store, but he was the most aggressive in the holding tank at smashing mysis in amongst another 5 or 6 CBB's and other fish... so I thought he would be capable of holding his own. And he is - he and the regal are at the top of the water right at my fingers during feeding time, and the PBT has been timid. After adding, the yellow went at the PBT, and at the CBB to a lesser extent, but adding both at the same time split the agression somewhat and the CBB is flourishing, while the PBT surprisingly still hasn't quite settled in but is coming around.
Jordan just sent me some pictures he took recently.....
Do you think he is a good photographer? hahah.
Only problem is he wont dangle his expensive camera above his tank to get pictures of his corals from above.....
There are a few top downs in here - but I do need to get more! I'll make it a priority.
Since this is a reefing and fish forum, here is a pic in that same series I didn't send you, end of the salmon run and life has come full circle for this fish (coho). Hard to believe they hatch in a river, live there for a while, and then move out to the lake and get up to 15 to 30 pounds in just four years... then they somehow know exactly what river they were born in, and how to get there... and they defy all kinds of obstacles and hardships to run miles and miles upstream only to spawn once, and die. It is remarkable and I'm sure as reefkeepers many on here share an awe of the life cycle of these fish. Here in Ontario they are introduced and strictly freshwater, but on the West and East Coasts these fish live in both salt and fresh water, which is also remarkable when you think of it.