My 120 filled mostly with SPS

Your tanks me want to get back into SPS's. But I can't fight the zoa bug

I bought some Zoas I was just talking to my buddy who came round to see my tank...and I was telling him like I dont even know why I bought the silly Zoas.

Come over to the SPS side. :D
Nice sps collection and awesome photos


Your tanks me want to get back into SPS's. But I can't fight the zoa bug

I bought some Zoas I was just talking to my buddy who came round to see my tank...and I was telling him like I dont even know why I bought the silly Zoas.

Come over to the SPS side. :D

To each their own... I've seen some great tanks with LPS, softies, etc. I think my next reef we'll be more of a mixed reef. Currently, my tank has almost become devoid of non-SPS, mostly because my regal finds LPS tasty! I have one chalice (that still has a touch of regal damage but is almost healed up), some blue sympodium, a hammer coral, some green button polyps and purple/grey palys, and a rose BTA, but other than that, all SPS.
Great tank, something to aspire to! Was there any pics of your setup, stand, overflow, etc? I want to copy what you are doing, it seems to work!
Hello, sorry if It's already been asked or u mentioned, but what type of sand do u currently have n your beautiful tank?
Wow, beautiful tank Jordan! I had no idea London had so many awesome reef tanks!
I just skimmed through the whole thread and I really like your setup.
I'm considering mimicking your Cree Led strips.
Can you tell me how much the LED strips cost to make? Did you use a heat sink for each strip?
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Sorry for the late response here...

Great tank, something to aspire to! Was there any pics of your setup, stand, overflow, etc? I want to copy what you are doing, it seems to work!

There are some pics of the lighting early in the thread I think, I'll take some more shots though soon and post up. Really pretty easy though, 120 with external overflow with two drains... emptying into a 40 breeder sump (google standard sump designs for 40 breeder, that is what I followed), with ConeS Co2 skimmer, about 250 ml of biopellets, some GFO, 4 54w T5s, and 2 x 24 strips of Cree RBs.

Hello, sorry if It's already been asked or u mentioned, but what type of sand do u currently have n your beautiful tank?

I had the seafloor special grade, but actually just got rid of it all over several months, and replaced with florida crushed coral, about 1" to 1.5". It had diatoms and cyano growing on it, but it has greatly subsided and is looking pretty good now. The larger particle size doesn't move around as much, with the exception of near my hammer coral, which my tomato clown likes to keep clean lol.

Wow, beautiful tank Jordan! I had no idea London had so many awesome reef tanks!
I just skimmed through the whole thread and I really like your setup.
I'm considering mimicking your Cree Led strips.
Can you tell me how much the LED strips cost to make? Did you use a heat sink for each strip?

There is a heat sink per each strip. I didn't make these, and I can't recall how much it cost in materials. I think it was around $300 to $350 Canadian if I recall correctly. Another member here, dvanacker, suggested this arrangement to me, and he was nice enough to take the time to solder all the LEDS, glue the lenses, and paint the heat sinks. Really grateful for his assistance in that regard, as well as for the suggestion to implement them on my tank. Really though, coming from a guy who's tank was TOTM here, hard to not implement anything he suggests! If there is anything more specific I can help you with, shoot me a PM. There are probably some good threads in the DIY section that will be of better assistance than I will be though. :beer:
Mad Props to your tank jroovers!! Sorry if this question has been asked recently, but what bulb configuration are you using currently?
I some nice ones of my pink lemonade too but I somehow deleted them when transferring onto my computer. :headwally:
I know the feeling j,happens to me also and it's fruuuuustrating!

Would love to see that coral too!
One of my favorites!
No wonder I kept on getting loads of sub notifications regarding this thread...I was like whats happening with Jordans thread...:D

Beautiful corals and amazing photography!

Can you share your thoughts on why this coral is getting these extra pronounced corallite edges? - I have the same thing happen to two of my largest Millepora.