My 120 filled mostly with SPS

Spelling is not my strong suite....doh. Nice piece!

Acro ID isn't my strong suit!

Thank you for the picture. Do you run carbon or GFO in the other reactor?

I run both carbon and GFO.

Very nice!
Really like all those pics you're posting.:)

What's the new skimmer gonna be?

Super Reef Octopus 2000INT. Hopefully it comes in today... all this running skimmerless is making me nervous! I have some cyano in spots and I lost an anthia (out of 8, first loss in over two years), and he got wedged under the base of my rockwork where I couldn't get at him. So I'm getting a tad concerned about nutrients.

Beautiful tank! When I start my 120 build I'm going to model it after this tank.

Thanks john1979. If I had to do things over again, I'd make my pillars more conical or pyramid shaped in order to place SPS at various levels in the tank. I made them too much up and down, which is leaving a lot of shaded areas. The transition to LED's and running my T5's as daylights as increased the penetration to shaded areas overall though. After having this set up now, I don't know if I'll ever go back to MH's. The only problem now though is that I want more length... a 180 or 220 at 6 feet long, or even 8 feet long, would be nice... but it'll have to wait! :beer:
Do you means you run your carbon and GFO mix together in the reactor without fliudising? And what is the amount of carbon and GFO?
Many thanks for the PM and for posting the photos up. Appreciated. :thumbsup:

No problem, sorry it took me so long.

Do you means you run your carbon and GFO mix together in the reactor without fliudising? And what is the amount of carbon and GFO?

The carbon and GFO is run together in the same Phosban 150 as per the last sump picture. I fill it up about 2/3's full with both Carbon and GFO, and of that 2/3's I'd say about 1/4 is GFO. I have the maxi jet and the output both in the refugium, and I try and keep it at a controlled tumble. It is a lot less GFO than what the calculator will tell you, but I also run biopellets and think the amount of GFO that is suggested to run is overkill. I have a yellow tang with HLLE, so I run the outlet of the reactor into a filter bag in the refugium of the sump to try and help catch any carbon dust that may come out of the reactor. I use BRS carbon, and I've tried the low dust variety, but it does not tumble as well in my reactor. I try and change it about once a month. HTH.
Through the looking glass...






Awesome photo skills my friend. Looks great. Thanks for labeling some of your corals. I'm trying to see what larger colonies look like as I'm trying to plan my tank. It helps a lot.
and folks say a skimmer is a absolute must... great looking tank.. everyone loves the toys, including myself.. but simplicity and effectiveness of good husbandry, go a long way and are oft overlooked in this hobby..
Awesome photo skills my friend. Looks great. Thanks for labeling some of your corals. I'm trying to see what larger colonies look like as I'm trying to plan my tank. It helps a lot.

Thanks. I'll try and label more of my corals... I don't know what they are all called though, good excuse to maybe find out.

and folks say a skimmer is a absolute must... great looking tank.. everyone loves the toys, including myself.. but simplicity and effectiveness of good husbandry, go a long way and are oft overlooked in this hobby..

Yes, I think KISS husbandry can go a long way. I think the temptation is there to tinker too much, rather than just keeping it simple. That said, I did just upgrade my skimmer.
Good news bad news situation. Got a macro lens and testing it out is producing some nice results...



Red Planet

Sold as Wild Aussie Selago (but suggested by others maybe a candlelight/aculeus)




Sunset Milli
Bad News... did you notice first time through? Here it is again...


Here is a further crop...

And here is additional confirmation.
Red bugs were the easiest pest to fix. However, those aefw reared their ugly heads after my interceptor treatment. :(

DO you think it is a recurrence of a previous infection or new bugs on a new purchase?


Red bugs were the easiest pest to fix. However, those aefw reared their ugly heads after my interceptor treatment. :(

DO you think it is a recurrence of a previous infection or new bugs on a new purchase?



Yes, could be worse. I would rather have RB than AEFW from what I've read. I think I've had them for a while - I don't think it is from a new addition, but from sharing frags and corals. I haven't had them before. That said, I have bought a couple LFS pieces lately and I'll be letting them know (those corals were dipped though prior to addition to my tank). The crappy thing is I used to have Interceptor - and I gave it to a fellow reefer to treat their bugs - but now I have none left and I've heard that it is now hard to come by. I only have 2 smooth skinned acros though, and I think I should be able to treat each piece individually through dips. I'll be starting that as soon as possible.
Wonderful Pics Dude! Well done, not only will i value your reefing advice but also photography as well! As for Red Bugs it sucks but i also had some show up in my Q-Tank and we are from the same town so i mentioned it to LFS also. But better to be safe then sorry and dip everything. Good Luck with getting interceptor? Cheers!
Hey jroovers,

I currently have 3 threadfin cardinals in my 120 (started with 5) and wanted to know how many you went through to get your school?

I know that they ship extremely horribly and eventually want to have 8-10 total in my tank. What was your mortality rate?

