My 240g FOWLR

:lol: My eyes played the same trick on me in the sneak peek email!! "Sunburst" anthias were listed right above declivis "butterflyfish"!
tricked ...


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Acanthurus leucosternon
Acanthurus fowleri
Pentapodus emeryii
Labroides dimidiatus
Chaetodontoplus meredithi
Pomacanthus asfur
Pomacanthus navarchus
Holacanthus tricolor
Pygoplites diacanthus
Centropyge loricula Male died... no clue why
Chaetodon burgessi
Chaetodon collare
Chaetodon declivis
Chaetodon declivis, ultra yellow morph
Chaetodon ephippium
Chaetodon falcula
Chaetodon fasciatus
Chaetodon flavirostris
Chaetodon mertensii
Chaetodon mitratus
Chaetodon paucifasciatus
Chaetodon rainfordi
Chaetodon semilarvatus
Chelmon marginalis
Chelmon muelleri
Chelmon rostratus "aussie" (moved to the fuge until he can compete for food better - may have to sell him off though)
Parachaetodon ocellatus x 2
Zanclus cornutus
Scarus quoyi
Amphiprion melanopus x 2
Chrysiptera hemicyanea
Chrysiptera parasema
Chrysiptera starcki x 2
Chrysiptera talboti x 2
Pomacentrus alleni
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Sweet - Look forward to seeing it. what's it's behavior like?

Nice! How's it look, condition wise? Fat, medium, thin?

He has only been in the QT a day and hasn't looked at food yet. He hovers in the corner and runs for cover when I approach the tank. Condition wise he seems healthy, medium to fat and no lymph, head shaking, twitching, or rubbing that I can see. He is in his own 20 long and I'm hopping he will eat within the next week. He came in with a few other fish I ordered and the others are in a 45 all eating and looking healthy. I'm very happy with the quality of the LA facility and wouldn't hesitate to order from them. I'll try to get some pics up this weekend.
Thanks John, the reef is comming along... added salt water last weekend... hoping to get the live rock in this weekend.