My 240g FOWLR

Added the fowleri, Chrysurus to the DT today. Of course, the powder blue hates the fowleri... but time will tell. I eventually want the PBT back in my reef anyway.
I really enjoy seeing this tank. The butterfly fish diversity is awesome. Parrot is really nice as well. This makes me want to simplify and go fish only. Well done my friend!
A few udates....

I tried a chaetodon guttatissimus. It withered away and died. It never ate anything :(

I also lost the male flame angel... no clue why. I've had the pair for a long time, originally from my reef, then in the FOWLR. One day I noticed the pair hanging out in the rocks. The female was fine, but the male, spread fins, staying in one place, and breathing hard; just looking off. 3 days later it was dead. :(

The C. falcula holds its own against the semilarvatus, and cruises more of the tank, so I won't be removing either.

The blue tang (seen in the vid) is a grow out for a friend... it won't be staying.

The Chrysurus angel is not adapting to the DT at all (though I've seen no aggression from other fish). Hangs around in a corner...eats algae, but not much else (ate pellets in QT). I fear I'll lose him, so he's probably going back into the QT.

The fowleri tang is doing well... here are a couple vids:

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As always, quite the herd you've got there. Thanks for the update, I was hoping we'd get one soon. Sorry to hear about he flame as well. I recently lost my potters of more than 2 years. No idea why either, no signs of aggression or lack of appetite. Just came down stairs one day and he was toast.
I recently lost my potters of more than 2 years. No idea why either, no signs of aggression or lack of appetite. Just came down stairs one day and he was toast.

The was a thread abouyt flames just up and dying somewhere on this forum, but I didn't think it happens after so long (over a year in my care I think).

Looking great! Man you have some insane flow, I'm jealous:)

Thanks! I absolutely love the 6255! I got the next size down on the other side of the tank, but think I'll upgarde to another 6255.
That little cleaner wrasse does a good job of putting size into perspective! As always, looking fantastic. Love the flow, love the fowleri. Glad to hear he adjusted well!
Thanks... actually that cleaner wrasse is a few years old now and pretty big, so yeah, some of those butterflies are getting a lot larger than I expected!

The fowleri color is amazing... so much deep purple color, but the camera doesn't really pick it up.

your tank is hands down one of my favorite fowlr tanks on this site . I think will start moving out some of my larger angels soon and replace with butterflies and smaller Angels. :thumbsup