Acros & Wrasses
Hey Josh, sorry to read about your bryopsis issues.. it's clear how demoralized you are. Totally been there with bryopsis (and being totally demoralized!). I still have it in my system but it doesn't seem to grow very fast anymore and only grows around the over flow which is easy to handle.
I'm not sure what, but between the several tangs, hermits and snails, one or many of them keep it controlled.
I suspect that most grazers will 'control' it when it's just sprouting but once it becomes leafy, nobody, but nobody seems to touch it. I think your best bet is to try to remove as much of the long stuff as possible and maybe get some more snails and hermits..
I once had a Sea hare that ate it ravenously for about 3 weeks and then it died.. my other attempts at sea hare bryopsis control are not nearly as successful. They may eat a bit, in passing but won't choose to eat it, if better things are around.
For whatever reason, currently I cannot get macro algea to grow in my system despite nitrates of over 30ppm and p over .15. I must be iron limited or something.. but under the current conditions, my bryopsis barely grows..
I just figured I'd put all this info out there.
Also, my first attempt at trying Kent mag was very effective. After dosing to 1700 ppm mag, the bryopsis shriveled and died but I didn't wait long enough with it at that concentration and it recovered and came back. My subsequent attempts with Kent required at least a 2000 ppm concentration to just make the bryopsis notice. After that Kent was not effective and I've had a problem with high mag ever since!
Clearly this bryopsis sh@t is very adaptable.
Good luck my friend!
I think my melanarus wrasse eats most of my hermits/crabs in general, I swear I had like 40 and I barely see them now. I'm gonna stick with vibrant for now and see what happens, if it doesn't look like it's working by the end of January I'm not sure what I'll do besides maybe trying a yellow tang. If that doesn't work I may just downgrade and do something simpler for now.
Sorry to read about your problems Joshky.
Seachem Flourish Phosphorus is mostly k2po4 and is used in planted tanks for Phosphorus dosing. I don't think is good idea to use it to battle bryopsis. It will most likely only increase growth of algea
Yeah which is what I figured would happen, Mark thought I was still having issues with dinos which would be a decent way to combat them.
If you want I can house some frags for you in case you have to much die off. We're only a few hours apart I think
Appreciate it, no die off at all yet just some minor recession and browning out. Some of the pieces that never colored up for me are doing the worst, so for all I care they can die and I'll just replace them with a new beautiful pack once the bryopsis is officially gone. :wildone: