My humble SPS journey - Shallow 80g

Yeah that flubber looks like a great addition to the SPS display Josh............... :twitch:

I'm going to ask Dave about getting me one of those tangs, that's if they don't cost a fortune.
Yeah that flubber looks like a great addition to the SPS display Josh............... :twitch:

I'm going to ask Dave about getting me one of those tangs, that's if they don't cost a fortune.

Good luck with the tang, you won't be disappointed. :) I promise I will keep the flubber to a minimum!! :wildone:
Small little update, not much going on right now...

Coris venusta

Candy Apple Reds

Red Planet - Plug has been fully encrusted and color is slowly starting to come back in.


Next four acros are all from Adam at Battle Corals, they're finally starting to show some promise now that they're on the frag rack.





Aaaannndd let me sneak this one in last for you guys. :p Side shot of the Wellso.

I might wait moving the bottom three, in the photo they still look pretty pale. Can;t wait to see them all colored up!

I left the smooth skin down on the sand for sure and it's still really white, I'm just trying to be patient and hope it pulls through. The others seem to be doing much better now, I have some updated photos of the four that're doing the best.
Looking good! They are definitely colouring up!
I don't think I've ever seen that wrasse before. It's really nice.
I love the Coris and the colors are developing nicely on those frags. You're way nicer to the frags then I am, I put them in their final location from day one and let them adjust in the "sink or swim" method. They always swim:)
Looking good! They are definitely colouring up!
I don't think I've ever seen that wrasse before. It's really nice.

I love the Coris and the colors are developing nicely on those frags. You're way nicer to the frags then I am, I put them in their final location from day one and let them adjust in the "sink or swim" method. They always swim:)

Thanks you guys! The Coris venusta is new to me as well, first time I had seen one. Based on my research and an inquiry to Evolved this wrasse is a smaller specimen from the Coris genus that is one of the more suitable reef specimens available. My female venusta came from Micronesia and while they aren't rare, they are generally collected in small batches. Most Coris wrasses get to be quite large, but the venusta should top out at 7.5" and is more likely to go for motile inverts the larger it gets -- more so than a Halichoeres for example. It's a very beautiful fish, I really wish I had a male to go with her as they look just as stunning.

These acros came in in really terrible condition, cold water and almost fully bleached out. I would've placed them on arrival to be perfectly honest if I thought they would've made it, my smooth skin from the batch is still in really bad shape and I'm still not sure it's going to make it. I should have all but the smooth skin placed on the rocks by next week. :)
Josh, looking good. Color really starting to come through and such nice shots. Do you have a lot of white light over the tank or are you adjusting white balance?
That wrasse is real nice, I have not seen one before either.
I like the 323rd picture down out of the battle corals frags. Love the tiny blue highlights in it. What is that one called?
Josh, looking good. Color really starting to come through and such nice shots. Do you have a lot of white light over the tank or are you adjusting white balance?
That wrasse is real nice, I have not seen one before either.
I like the 323rd picture down out of the battle corals frags. Love the tiny blue highlights in it. What is that one called?

I do adjust the photos the best I can through post-processing, I'm currently running 4 B+, 3 C+, 1 P+ and to me it feels too blue... I ran LEDs on my old tank and the overall color is definitely more blue than how I had my LEDs set up. I plan on mixing it up when it comes time to change bulbs early next year.

None of the acros I got from Adam have any names as far as I know, he told me that one was supposed to be purple with green highlights and he doesn't have a picture of the mother right now. It's still coloring up so we'll see if the blue stays. These were all wild pieces he sold a few packs of at a very fair price.

Thanks! :D
I love your new Coris. Is it a well behaved fish?

There was some aggression in my 20g observational QT setup towards a female Macropharyngodon bipartitus I have in there. It kind of reset all of the progress I made with the bipartitus so I'm back to square one with her. I believe it was just the small confined space and the fact that the bipartitus is so timid right now that brought out the worst in the venusta. So far in the 80g there has been zero aggression, but it's honestly too soon to say it can't/won't turn into a demon fish. However my research so far suggests it should be OK.
There was some aggression in my 20g observational QT setup towards a female Macropharyngodon bipartitus I have in there. It kind of reset all of the progress I made with the bipartitus so I'm back to square one with her. I believe it was just the small confined space and the fact that the bipartitus is so timid right now that brought out the worst in the venusta. So far in the 80g there has been zero aggression, but it's honestly too soon to say it can't/won't turn into a demon fish. However my research so far suggests it should be OK.

Keep an eye on it, I have a green Coris and it has gotten big and very mean. It has stressed out other wrasses to the point of killing them. It doesn't seem to mess with other fish at least.
Keep an eye on it, I have a green Coris and it has gotten big and very mean. It has stressed out other wrasses to the point of killing them. It doesn't seem to mess with other fish at least.

I think you might be talking about a Halichoeres chloropterus which isn't actually apart of the Coris genus? (not sure why they received the Coris nickname) Aggression is definitely a concern of mine and time will tell whether or not this fish can co-exist in my aquarium. I do hope it keeps a peaceful demeanor, I would really hate to have to catch it. Sorry to hear about your Green Coris WrASSe(hole). Thanks for the warning and I will be sure to let you all know how things go over the next few months.
I hadn't even looked it up to realize it wasn't a true Coris. You have the right species:)

It was probably prematurely named a Coris before they genetically tested it, would be my guess. And it stuck. Of course I'm just spit-balling here. :lol: Yellow Coris Wrasse is also part of the Halichoeres genus.