My Journey with C./P. multifasciata

Kyle - Have you tried nori yet? Mine seems to enjoy it so far - I'm going to try the purple nori in a bit.
Sorry about the delay in response. I have a couple friends that are friends with and in contact with Kevin. When they heard about me wanting a pair if multibars they gave me his contact info so I could discuss getting these beauties with Kevin. As such I don't want to give out his contact information. I don't mean to offend anyone but I was trusted with his contact information and I don't want to upset anyone.

I haven't tried nori yet. I thought I had some, but it turns out the package was empty. I'll get some soon. There is vegetable matter in Rod's so they are getting some. I do want to try some of the ON Angel formula and see how they like it.
I'm glad they are doing well so far. I've always wanted a pair of multibars.. hopefully I can use your success as a reference when I have my own. Centropyge angels are so interesting to watch as pairs. I currently just have a pair of Argi's, who do a spawning dance every night. Are you planning on getting any other angel pairs?

I hope to have continued success and spawnig so that I can rear the larvae, I'm also hoping to be able to make this into a primer of sorts describing my process as well as others chipping in with their experience. It is truly fascinating to watch the pair interaction.

I don't plan to keep other Centropyge pairs in the 65 gallon tank with these. I have contemplated setting up a Brute or 55g drum as a remote fuge and using it to keep a second pair of Centropyge (C. argi are tempting as they are said to be the easiest to rear by Frank B. at RCT; despite that flamebacks, multicolors, or flame angels are very tempting unless I find a pair of Venusta in similar condition to the multibars). I just need to get my parents to be okay with a remote fuge. :)
I hope to have continued success and spawnig so that I can rear the larvae, I'm also hoping to be able to make this into a primer of sorts describing my process as well as others chipping in with their experience. It is truly fascinating to watch the pair interaction.

I don't plan to keep other Centropyge pairs in the 65 gallon tank with these. I have contemplated setting up a Brute or 55g drum as a remote fuge and using it to keep a second pair of Centropyge (C. argi are tempting as they are said to be the easiest to rear by Frank B. at RCT; despite that flamebacks, multicolors, or flame angels are very tempting unless I find a pair of Venusta in similar condition to the multibars). I just need to get my parents to be okay with a remote fuge. :)

This would be really cool. I have similar ambitions one day, but don't have the knowledge needed for rearing the foods those tiny larvae feed on yet. Do you have any references for that yet? I'm definitely going to be following along this journey. I'm sure you've done this all ready, but reaching out to Paka might be a good idea.
I do have some sad news. :(

The smaller of the two isn't doing well at all. It isn't able to stay in a position as it pleases and is breathing rather heavy. Despite my feedings it seems that they haven't been enough for this little guy (he ate the least at each feeding, and wouldn't take anything but mysis). Not sure how long he will live. The other is doing great, however. It is very fat and very healthy.
She's now stuck against the filter intake. I think her run is done. :(

The larger one is eating flake food no problem, so I hope to get an auto feeder set up in the next week or so to feed more frequently. I'm going to see if I can't get credit from DD since this is just two days over the guarantee. If not, it isn't a big deal and I'll see what I can do as far as getting a smaller specimen later on.
Thanks for the support guys.

She has passed. Sad moment, but it is a learning experience and I will ensure the next smaller one gets fed more and more often.
Kyle, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. You did your best and I'm glad you have the attitude of taking it as a learning experience and progressing. That's just the attitude you'll need when you start rearing angel larvae.
Sorry for your loss. I have tried Multi-barred angels several times over the years to no avail. They are one of the most difficult fish to get to thrive even in excellent conditions.
No I did not get that one, and I wasn't even able to check DD on Friday. I shot Kevin and email of the news and he is willing to ship me another small specimen. He did suggest that I feed less at each feeding and feeding more often. More along the lines of 8-10 times per day instead of the 3-4x I was doing. I'm going to see if I can't find a way to divide the QT so a little one can get its fill.