New Aquarium for St Jude Children's Hospital (800+G)

Still under construction

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Behind the scenes

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luckyarbuc and skimmer

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Checking out the plumbing

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Part of the back of the tank. The water flows along a trough and down through the sump/flow filled with live rock in the bottom. Very cool!

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The frag and quarantine tanks in place in the back

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Barrett and the crew ready to call it a day

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I couldn't get any pictures of the finished project because the tank was too stirred up by the end.

We'll try to get back there this week and get pictures up of the tank after it has cleared.
Hello. A person I work with will be visiting St. Jude's in early December. I would like her to go visit the tank and take a look at it. I called St. Jude and asked them where the aquarium was but the woman who answered the phone thought it was a strange question (seriously) and said she wouldn't tell me for the "safety of the kids." Can anyone tell me where this tank is located in the hospital?

P.S. If you happen to see my friend looking at the tank, you will know it's her because she calls a protein skimmer a "demuckifier"!
It is located on the 1st floor of the Chili's Care Center. The tour groups will be adding it to the tour when the building officially opens.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11178001#post11178001 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by blind1993
any more pics

I got some more pictures of the tank yesterday. I just need to get them uploaded and get the okay from Barrett and the hospital and I'll get them posted.

The tank looks AWESOME!
Concluded the first round of tours today. Thumbs-up all around from everyone who came to see it! Most common question; "Everything is alive in there? Really?! Nothing is fake?" then a subdued and awe struck "wow."
The best testiment yet though was a pair of toddlers running up to it and pointing at all the fish.
Cool! Wish I could have seen that!

Yesterday, a bunch of the construction supervisors were there coordinating the clean up. What made me laugh was how so many of them asked, "Are there any fish in there that will eat any of the others?"

They were worried about fish aggression and none of them even considered the possibility of coral aggression and were amazed to learn that those are all "liittle animals" in there.

Big, beautiful tanks like this are SUCH a wonderful opportunity to educate people about the ocean and the reefs.

Barrett and Scott, you two have done an absolutely FANTASTIC job putting this together!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11189252#post11189252 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AussieSurfGirl
Very impressive crpeck

If you mean the pictures, Thanks!

If you mean the tank, I can take no credit at all ... just fortunate to tag along and be there to catch some pics of the action at the end.
Tune in to NBC’s Today show next week as they profile St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Patient success stories resulting from the extraordinary science and medicine at St. Jude will be featured in two segments each day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, November 19, 20, 21 and 23). The first segment will air between 7 and 8 a.m., and live patient and family interviews will take place between 9 and 10 a.m. Marlo Thomas, national outreach director, will be live on the program Friday, November 23. And Today show co-host Meredith Vieira, who spent yesterday afternoon at St. Jude, will discuss her experience all week on the program. Be sure and encourage your friends and family to tune into Today for these exciting segments.
Okay ... here's another round of pictures. These were all taken Tuesday, the day before the opening of the building.

This first picture is the progress on the lobby. You can still see the last minute construction going on in the background.

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You can see what a focal point this tank will be for the lobby!

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Here is the proud Papa, Scott, in town to work on the last minute fixes to the surge system and plumbing.

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Here's a full tank shot. I'm having some white balance trouble on these tank shots so they look a little dark. But it's better than all blue .... those lights are REALLY intense and mess with my camera.

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This is looking into the tank from the left side

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A close up of the center.

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Pan to the right:

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Pan to the left

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A few close ups:

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Here is the self-appointed supervisor of the tank. This Scott's Fairy Wrasse stayed out and watched Keaton place rock and coral when all the other fish were hiding. If you look back at some of the pics of Keaton working, you can see him nearby. Maybe this was Scott shapshifting as a Scott's Wrasse to watch and make sure we put things together right. :D

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He's always out front and center

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The anthias is hiding behind the finger leather

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Caught him!

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Mystery Wrasse hoping that stressed coral recovers

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Christmas Tree Wrasse by the Galaxia.

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Close up of Christmas Tree Wrasse

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