I'm getting the "picture diary" together for Public Relations to OK so I can post. In the meantime myself and a couple club members will be diving tomorrow! I'll have probably 3 people in the tank getting corals placed. Then the rest of us will be transporting, cleaning, and organizing. Thanks everyone for your interest and acolades. I appreciate it and I know that all the St Jude staff and contributors appreciate it too. Now that the RC thread has gotten a lot of attention here at the hospital I have more and more people talking to me about it. Just yesterday a man from Radiological Sciences asked what the bucket was for (we were walking in from the garage that morning) and when I told him it was for the tank he immediately knew all about it!
Richard brought over fish and inverts along with some coral Thursday. We get them in and had half the construction crew clammoring for a spot to watch. The coolest thing sofar, about 12 green chromis (each 3" long, 1.5"tall, and 1/4" thick) schooling! They make a lap and on the way back around, when you stand at the end of the tank it looks like the tuna documentary's with the way they "fly" straight at you. Really amazing to watch. But God help you if you reach in there to place a coral. One of them, I call him "Jaws," has a taste for forearms!