New Aquarium for St Jude Children's Hospital (800+G)

simply amazing!... i might have to come down with some illness that will keep me in the hospital for a few weeks.

im also very very proud that there is no NEMO in that tank... keep em out! or if you want a clown fish. go with a black varient so everyone doesnt yell.. theres NEMO!!..
also you might want to get some large 1/8th inch sheets of acrlyic cut to match the size of the tank. and create almost.. a scratch barrier? just an idea.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11195248#post11195248 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zestay
im also very very proud that there is no NEMO in that tank... keep em out! or if you want a clown fish. go with a black varient so everyone doesnt yell.. theres NEMO!!..
being a children's hospital they all want to see a nemo of some variety. I'm planning on some Picasso clowns.
also you might want to get some large 1/8th inch sheets of acrlyic cut to match the size of the tank. and create almost.. a scratch barrier? just an idea. [/QUOTE]
I've been mulling that one over as well. Might do a glass "touch" barrier, or just get handy with a polisher.:lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11195248#post11195248 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zestay
im also very very proud that there is no NEMO in that tank... keep em out! or if you want a clown fish. go with a black varient so everyone doesnt yell.. theres NEMO!!..

Well, I have to disagree. As much as I loathe what the movie did to cause the death of so many clowns (purchased by ill-advised, but possibly well meaning parents), our daughter's favorite fish is our pair of ocellaris hosting in an RBTA. Now you might make some comment about her being influenced by the movie, or what not, but she has never seen the movie... oh, and she is only 4 months old. :D

Does our school/shaol of 11 bartlett anthias attract her attention ? sure, from time to time. Do any of our larger tangs (orange shoulder, purpler, sailfin, powder brown) interest her ? Sure, especially the quite large orange shoulder and purple tangs. But the ones that she actually gets excited about are the ocellaris pair. Whenever they wander a little closer to the front of the tank she pays extra attention and show visible excitement.

While ours is a singular experience I would say that completely excluding clowns would be a mistake. They are called clowns because of their behaviors, and that is something that the children really enjoy.

Just our opinion on the topic :)

Really great looking tank and setup. Congrats to Scott and everyone else involved with this project !!!!! :D
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i agree, magnificent tank. how many people will be maintaining it?

though you simply must have both Nemo and Dori.

then you can explain that the fish is called that because it is an a"Nemo"ne fish and in the wild MUST live in an anemone.

if i could suggest some kind of a little booklet that is by the tank the has a FAQ sheet in it to answer those ever present questions. after all there won't always be someone there to answer the questions.

people could write down their questions that could be compliled into a FAQ sheet.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11196174#post11196174 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefski's
if i could suggest some kind of a little booklet that is by the tank the has a FAQ sheet in it to answer those ever present questions. after all there won't always be someone there to answer the questions.

people could write down their questions that could be compliled into a FAQ sheet.

Or long term maybe some sort of "interactive activity" center for presentation of the FAQ, like you see next to exhibits at museums, zoos and the like.
Reefski's; Sparkss, both of your suggestions are in the works already. Its just gonna take some time. As for maintenance, it will be me. Unless more club members get involved. The way things are going with members though, I might have to hire a company to do maintenance.
Wow! Those are going to be some very fortunate children who get to go and see that while in the hospital. I know if I were one of those kids I would instantly feel better after seeing that! You guys did a great job on the system and its going to be quite a nice set up once it gets all grown in with corals:)
I also think that some ocellaris and a hippo tang are mandatory for the kids. They are easy fish to maintain and theres really no good reason not to put them in.
I am so freaking jealous of that keaton kid! Luckiest reefer in Tennessee! I think everyone who has ever owned a reef tank has mulled the idea of stickin their head in their tank with gogles at one point. But Keaton actually got to dive and aquascape. Man, way cool.

This has been an awesome thread, FANTASTIC WORK guys/gals. Those are some very fortunate kids. Be sure to post some pics when the building opens and all the admirers are enjoying your hard work!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11205514#post11205514 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pbukow
Be sure to post some pics when the building opens and all the admirers are enjoying your hard work!

That probably won't be a possibility with HIPPA regulations and such. We are talking about a hospital, and patient confidentiality is of great concern.
HIPPA covers the medical record and governs healthcare providers, not pictures taken in a public place of an aquarium by a visitor :)
Hopefully, we'll find a way to get pictures like the ones of kids on our club website where we have the progress posted on the upgrade of the two 225 gallon tanks in another building. I don't know what Barrett had to go through to get permission to post those.

St. Jude aggressively protects the privacy of their patients and the families. The hospital is not open to the public and you have to go through guard gates to get into any area of the campus. Permission had to be given by St. Jude to post any of the pictures that have been posted here already.

They do give tours and are giving a lot of them now of the new center that is just opening. There are ways for outsiders to see the tanks but I wouldn't call it a "public place" by any means.

I'm really hoping to see some of that kind of footage in the Today Show stories that are on this week. Barrett reports that people were really WOWed by the tank so hopefully some of that will come through on the show.

Here is the link to the thread on our club RC forum where you can see the delight in the kids' eyes over the first two tanks. I, too, can't wait to see what they think of this one!
WOW let us know if it is going to be on the TODAY show, that would be awesome recognition for all of your hardwork and dedication. Congrats again.
:lol: Wouldn't it though???

The Today Show is showing a feature this week, but the subject is St. Jude Children's Research Hospital .... not the tank.

I'm just hoping to see the tank as a back drop and maybe a view and mention while they're showing the new Chili's Center where the tank is.

Scroll back for a post from Barrett with the details.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11206649#post11206649 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DrBegalke
HIPPA covers the medical record and governs healthcare providers, not pictures taken in a public place of an aquarium by a visitor :)

As Cathy said, this is not a public place...we have lots of pictures of the children looking at the fish in their other two tanks, but written permission from the parents of those children had to be obtained before St. Jude would allow us to post those pictures on our club website.

On another note:
I was excited when our club took over the maintenance of the two 225 gallon tanks in another building at St. Jude. When Barrett and I heard of the new building and the plan to put an aquarium in that building also, we were so excited to be able to do this for the kids...we couldn't wait to get started. I am so proud of my club for being able to participate and facilitate in the creation of such a grand project. I hope the patients enjoy it...which I am sure they will.
Tune in to NBC’s Today show next week as they profile St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Patient success stories resulting from the extraordinary science and medicine at St. Jude will be featured in two segments each day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, November 19, 20, 21 and 23). The first segment will air between 7 and 8 a.m., and live patient and family interviews will take place between 9 and 10 a.m. Marlo Thomas, national outreach director, will be live on the program Friday, November 23. And Today show co-host Meredith Vieira, who spent yesterday afternoon at St. Jude, will discuss her experience all week on the program. Be sure and encourage your friends and family to tune into Today for these exciting segments.

This may or may not feature the new tank, but I can't imagine they would leave it out!