I started making the last bit last night. My acrylic stands are in and I'll put those on today. Then its a matter of putting the missing O ring back into the surge ball valve and we're good.<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11032606#post11032606 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spazz
i will give it 2-3 days and the front cover paper will be off the tank.
did anyone else take pictures of the rock work? looks good so far.
how much salt water do you have to make yet to completly fill the system?
Oh no. I have the ring. Gollum made a dash at it but its MY PRECIOUS!<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11032790#post11032790 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spazz
the o ring was in the sink the last time i had seen it. hope it didnt get lost......
the quarantine tank and hospital tank are not in the room yet. there in another building where they are housing corals and fish for the big tank. once those corals and fish are moved to the main tank that system will be installed in the room where it can be set up perminantly. each system will have its own skimmer and uv sterilizer. it will also be hooked to the main computer so it can monitor the system. this will help to keep parisites out of the main display. if barrott sotres all the corals and fish in the hospital and quarantine tanks for 4-6 weeks before placing them in the main tank he can keep the chances low of ever introducing parisites to the main tank. we tried to think of everything that would cause this system tto be shut down for long periods of time and then figured out ways to prevent those from happening. this was very carefully thought out so it stays runnig for at least 10 years with no major problems that would cause it to be shut down or rebuilt.<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11065790#post11065790 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SERVO
I hope that you have all the luck keeping your tank parasite free!!