New England Frag Farmer's Market 3/11/17

Here are the speakers for the Frag Farmer's Market this year. I guess this makes the FFM the biggest conference, not just the biggest swap in the area. I will put the schedule for the talks out in a bit so people can plan their visit to the FFM better. All of the talks are a part of the FFM and there is no extra cost to attend any of them- no dinner tickets, extra fees, etc... The other cool thing is that Justin, Joe, Lou and Franky will all be around the FFM all day to chat and answer questions.

Great News!!! David from Reef Trends and I have been working on getting together a "Safety Stop," something I have been trying to get together for the last few years, and are going to make it happen for FFM X! In the interest of not spreading pests among out tanks, I wanted to have small doses of dip for people to be able to bring home, and use for the beautiful frags that they get at the FFM. Mark from ME Corals is going to be hooking the attendees of the FFM up by donating a pile of single dose containers of his "Wash Off" dip! They will be available for people, FREE, at the Reef Trends table in the first hallway. Stop by and grab one on your way in/out of the FFM. Thanks to Mark and ME for helping me make this a part of the FFM!
Ever wanted to figure out how folks get them awesome pictures?

Check out Reef Pics 101 by CT's own Franky Rivera...a few pics below! He'll be giving a presentation on how he achieves these better than real life pictures!!!





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Here is the schedule for the FFM this year:

11 am - Doors open to the public
12 pm - Franky Rivera "Reef Tank Photography" Room -TBD
1 pm - Justin Credible "Peroxide Dosing and Dipping" Lecture Hall
2 pm - Lou Ekus - Director of US operations at Tropic Marin "Salt water/reef Q+A" - Lecture Hall
3 pm - Justin Credible and Joe Racioppi "Hands on Coral Education for Students" - Lecture Hall
4 pm - Main raffle starts in room 107
5 pm - FFM ends ... and we all have to wait another year for the next FFM!
With 68 coral sellers, 5 reef clubs and 23 different companies all at the FFM, that might make it biggest conference in the area, not just swap...
CTARS and BRS will both be at the FFM taking memberships. I am donating a $25 FFM gift certificate to each of the clubs to give away to one random person who signs up with that club during the FFM. Come out, sign up, and win more money to spend at the Frag Farmer's!
With 68 coral sellers, 5 reef clubs and 23 different companies all at the FFM, that might make it biggest conference in the area, not just swap...

Biggest and best! I don't care who attempts to chime in!!! Get outta here!!!

FFM has taking New England and the Tristate area by storm!!!!!!

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Week and a half to go before the FFM. All of the proceeds from the FFM go to support the coral propagation program at E. O. Smith High School. Hundreds of kids involved in learning about corals, aquaculture and conservation!
Waiting list is still 10 deep. Spots open up but with.the biggest crowds in the NE, people who come out once, always come back!
I just got a HUGE box today for the FFM. Looks like the grand prize in the raffle this year will be a BIG one...
I got a question on one of the other forums asking if the FFM was open to anyone, or if you had to be a member (do people run shows like that?). Everyone is welcome to come out to the school for the FFM. At $5 to get in, no memberships, no discounted advanced tickets, just come as your are, its hard to beat...
Quick list of what I will have at the ARKSWC table I know there are more that I forgot and two more tanks full of goodness that I don't have a list of. This is going to be a great Event. This is most definitely Reefer Christmas.

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