New Marineland 300 DD Setup Log

Nice progression on the thread.. Love the aqua scape also..

300dd is my dream tank, well the reality can actually afford dream tank lol.. I think I'm going to have to settle for the 200dd due to open space in my house that the other half will allow me to use.

Thanks Dapg8gt,

The 200DD is a nice tank, it has a nice cube like look to it, type of tank i would make with 3 side viewing.
Picked up my overflow plate yesterday, he did a good job and fits like a glove.

so tonight I cleaned out all the equipment and made sure it all fits perfectly. Now I can finally say the sump is done. Now tomorrow is connect it to the main display tank :)

Very nice sump! Well done.

What kind of overflow did you put on your skimmer?

its a output vent reduces bubbles and splashing, good addition to my skimmer and no worries about bubbles thats why I dont use baffles at the return just a simple 1.5" elbow drawing from the bottom.
Nice job so far. How many radions? 6? And where your drains empty into the sump, I am thinking that little changer is going to trap detritus with that media in there. I would leave that empty so it can be cleaned.

So no emergency overflow?
Just out of curiosity, what happened with the prior 265? Hopefully not some kind of catastrophic failure. I have the ML265, and would have gone with the 300DD except the extra 12" of depth would have violated the WAF.
Just out of curiosity, what happened with the prior 265? Hopefully not some kind of catastrophic failure. I have the ML265, and would have gone with the 300DD except the extra 12" of depth would have violated the WAF.

i was about to ask the same question

btw, whats the WAF?
Nice job so far. How many radions? 6? And where your drains empty into the sump, I am thinking that little changer is going to trap detritus with that media in there. I would leave that empty so it can be cleaned.
So no emergency overflow?

Thanks MHG ,I am able to clean out the k1 media area easily so Im not worried about it, but if I see its an issue I can always leave it empty.

Sure the Emergency overflow empty into the refugium section. I have 6 Radion Pro`s on it.
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Just out of curiosity, what happened with the prior 265? Hopefully not some kind of catastrophic failure. I have the ML265, and would have gone with the 300DD except the extra 12" of depth would have violated the WAF.

No the 265 is in my garage, using it for my Jap Koi`s . I just got a good deal on the 300DD but during this setup I did have a set back and lost some corals. You see my good friend and colleague had passed away suddenly when I was switching everything into the garage reservoir, and in the mental mess I forgot to plug in my Heaters and took off out of town for a week .Some corals didn't like it mainly my sps but everything else is at my buddies doing well including my nice and $$$ fish.
Thanks MHG ,I am able to clean out the k1 media area easily so Im not worried about it, but if I see its an issue I can always leave it empty.

Sure the Emergency overflow empty into the refugium section. I have 6 Radion Pro`s on it.
I did not see how you had the emergency overflow plumbed. I am debating a 300DD and was thinking or running my returns over the back and use the second hole on each side for an emergency overflow.
I did not see how you had the emergency overflow plumbed. I am debating a 300DD and was thinking or running my returns over the back and use the second hole on each side for an emergency overflow.

each of my corner flo`s are stircktly used for the Herbie system as per Gmac`s site. Each side has a valved line (to the bio section of the sump) and an emergency line (to the refugium section of sump)

so I have 2x valved drain lines which are going to the bio media section which pours into the filter socks, and 2x emergency which feeds the refugium.

I run my pump returns over the back just as you were thinking of doing.
Finished up the fish room , just have the Dual R/O buckets to do next weekend.

heres a peek at the fish room all functional, sump works like a charm tested to see if my calculations were good and I still have 20% left before the water would overflow if I had a Power failure. :)

This is an awesome setup you gave going! Definitely will be following along to see it grow. Wish I had room for a tank even close to this size. Maybe someday