*NEW* Sequence Skimmer - Any Interest?

got the skimmer today, looks pretty rugged. tanks next week though :(

the ups emails had three boxes but the labels showed 1 of 2 and 2 of 2. are there three?
There should have only been two boxes total. I'm not sure if the UPS email freaked out when it shipped or what, but you only need two boxes! :)
Ive got SKIMMMMMMMMMMATE...........

My UPS shipping said 3 boxes as well.

Skimmers up and running and is virtually silent. i do need to do a few tweaks on my plumbing and build a better stand foir the skimmer so it can effectively dump into my sump, but all in all.....this baby rocks.

I pulled the trigger on it they should be taking it to the airport today or tomorrow to send it out to me.
of course i will be sharing feed back when i get it.
Here is the result in 24 hours from my 400g system.

Same question here, how high is your water level in the skimmer? I would think that if you're pulling out that much gunk in the first 24hrs of use, I would recommend running the skimmate a little more wet to help and try clean the system up some. If it's still at the same level as your first photos when you just got it set up, then the water level is definitely running on the low side inside the skimmer. HTH
Jeremy and Nick,

I let the return pipe wide open (100%).
When I turn off the feeding pump (mag5), the water level is above the word REEFLO but a little under the body circle line.
Please show me how to maximize this skimmer.
By the way, that was not the first 24 hrs, I already cleaned the cup once on Sunday.
The water level needs to be up in the neck, not in the reaction chamber, or in the cone leaving up to the neck. I would start it an inch into the neck, then tune up from there.
Ok don't shut off the return pump / feed pump. Unplug or trun off all the air to the dart. Then give it a like 30 seconds and see where the water level is. What i would do since it is so new and not really broken in is raise it a couple of inches only at one time. But at the end of breakin you want it near or above the screws by the neck...

Let me know if that makes sense..

Jeremy and Nick,
I did as you told.
I set the water level up to the neck.
I checked this morning before I went to work, the nog was 1/2 inch in the cup.
Did I do it right?



Yes, now you can keep adjusting from there. I personally would run the skimmate a little more wet to start off witih, so set the water level right at the black flange where the cup lifts off at. If this is too wet, you can always back it off just a little.
Jeremy and Nick,

I raised the water a little more up to the black flange.
It works perfect.
You are the best.
Thanks again.
