Hey all! My name is Josh. I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to reefing. It hasn't even been 2 months and I can't go one week without going to one of my three LFS - just to see what they have. I'm 20 years old and a college student. I'm majoring in biology.
I've always enjoyed keeping aquariums, but never really had enough of my own money to run a saltwater tank - 'till now. Basically out of no where one day I decided to search around and see what I could find. What I found was ReefCentral
! I must check this website a hundred times a day! Might as well make it my homepage
. Anyway I was going to use an old 20g tank I had but wanted something a tad bit larger, so I bought a 29g. I've already spent hundreds of dollars buying equipment, LR, sand, fish, and corals!
Though I'm rather new at this hobby I'm still trying to learn as much as possible each day by reading others questions. I'll respond to those more simple that I have a grasp on. I guess its time for me to talk about my tank...
29g reef kept at 78F. I have the Current USA 4x24 T5HO lighting system with lunar lights. I love it so far. Does its job. I have a modded AC 20 that I'm using as a small chaeto refuge (still working out on seeing if my light is good enough or not). In my tank I have 44lbs of LR and about 40lbs of live sand. I have a 150W heater and 2 Koralia 2s for flow.
I've got some Ceriths, Nassarius, Astraea, and Margarita snails. The Margaritas are my favorites. I've also got about 5 hermits, 2 cleaner shrimp, and 2 clownfish. My corals consist of one larger 30+ polyp of zoos and one smaller frag that I picked up at MAX (see how addicted I am already? That was two weeks after I signed up on ReefCentral), pulsing xenia, small ricordea, birdsnest, and a feather duster.
I'm working on getting some nice acans in the future, maybe a clam, and some ZOOS! I'd like to make a zoo garden with tons of them mixed in. Let me know what you guys think so far. I'll even post a few pics