Nice Dreams

Right, so . . . Here’s the fish list - please don’t think I’m adding all these but at the moment I can’t make up my mind which fish I will get from the list, decisions decisions. I love fish, and I like corals - maybe that will change, who knows eh ? Any advice if you keep any the below would be warmly received. Thanks


Swallowtail Angels ( Pair of )

Moorish idol ( dreamy )

Black Tang

Gold Rim Tang

Freckle Faced Tang

Zebra Tang ( A.Polyzons ) ( quite rare )

Blackcap Gramma ( Pair of )

Lawnmower Blennie

Long Nosed Hawkfish

Fathead Anthias

Feminus Wrasse

Naoko Fairy Wrasse ( cirrhilobrus naokoae )

Blue flasher wrasse ( paracheilinus Cyaneus )

Gold back fairy wrasse ( cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis )

Exquisite Fairy Wrasse

Scott’s Fairy Wrasse

Carpenters Flasher Wrasse

Yellow flanked fairy wrasse ( cirrhilabrus ryukyuensis )

Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus)

Lennardi Wrasse

Lineatus Fairy Wrasse

( Corrhilabrus lineatus )

Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse

( cirrholabrus cf cyanopleura )

Mystery Wrasse

Radiant Wrasse ( Halichoeres Iridis )

Claire’s fairy Wrasse

Blue Headed fairy wrasse ( Cirrhilabrus Cyanopleura )

Leopard Wrasse

Claudia’s Wrasse - ( Halichoreres Claudia )

Redlined Wrasse ( Halichoeres Biocellatus )
Heck of a list and looking really good. I don’t know about wrasse compatibility but I love my Redlined
Right, another Win for Team furface ! ! RO Unit is plumbed in. Had to tap into it in the loft / attic and run it back down the house ( internally ) through the garage into the sump room. Absolute ballache with a few leaks and burnt things along the
way - fingers included. Redoing the copper in the the garage due to a leak. Here’s some pics of the sump room now ! ! RO water is being made people ! ! ITS BEING MADE ! !
Still needs a bit of tidying up, the wall to the right of the sump, the other side of the wall is where there is a downpipe and foul drain the other side. That’s where the waste is going to go through the wall straight to the drain. The other part of the wall on the right of the sump is where the tank sits. There will be 3 wastes from the external weirbox coming through that wall and into the sump. Lot of work still to do. Contacted tank builder and he is building as we speak .can’t wait. I know you lovely people across the pond prefer acrylic - mine will be made out of 15mm glass with a double base.
I'd take glass any day. Old LP records might have a certain nostalgia when they're scratched; aquariums not so much. Plus I'd forever be worrying about the acrylic bowing in a tank that large, no matter what the manufacturer promised.
Ok so, we have some progress. Filling uk the sump - it’s only under half the level I want to run it at. But to be honest I might just over fill it to give the tank a chance to fill quicker once it lands. Need to buy a booster pump as my pressure is 50psi instead of the recommended 60psi but the lads at BRSTV recommend 80psi ! ! And to be honest I really Like those lads, what they say makes a whole heap of sense. I’ve also put the return pump in. It’s just RO Water at the moment and once filled to where k want it I’ll heat it up and add the salt. Booyakaaa ! ! The return I’m going to be using is a Deltec E-Flow 16 , Lurvely Pump ! ! Here’s some pics to keep you interested lol
Yes, fill it up.
Serves 2 purposes.
1 - gives you instant water to use for the tank.
2 - doubtful the way the container is made but you will see if it bows any.
Right people my tank has just had the brace bars fitted so I’m thinking a couple of weeks for all silicone to fully cure but more so to sit filled with water at the tank builders. Sump is up and running. Filled to roughly where I want it. It’s got the eflow 16 in there and all I can say is what a beast it is. I’ve turned it off for now and just got a MO40QD on there at about 65%. Pics to follow.
Another quick update - things are ticking along nicely now, added the Apex ATO to take care of evaporation. It’s stand alone at the moment until I buy the brain kit. It seems a pukka piece of kit but if I had one complaint - the magnet could have been a bit stronger, the in water gubbins of it Seem to move slightly. This could be a real problem if I knock or pull a lead or knock the magnet etc etc. we will see how we go . . . . ROCK ON PEOPLE ! !
Ignore the pencil marks lol it was a struggle for a mere mortal such as I lol. And the ripped paper on the drywall is where I moved the D&D temp Controller. Will have to superglue it back on.
Lol you’re not getting any heat from me with the pencil marks. Didn’t even notice them til you said something.
Another wee update, RO Waste pipe, need to order some 90 degree connectors so I can beaten it all up. It’s now through the wall and just needs the 90 to connect it into the Downpipe. Also a tip as I’m in the building game, always drill from outside in otherwise you’ll blow your brickwork when tbe drill bit exits the brick, AND always drill the hole pointing upwards slightly, this will stop water ingress. Just a tip or two lol.
I tell you people - it’s ALIVE ! ! ! ! ! !
I’m currently wiring in 2 bulkhead lights that I bought from Trinity Marine which is a ship breaker / reclamation place. They are explosion proof bulkhead lights from a Japanese Tanker ( did I mention I love anything Japanese - apart from the eating of live animals, abhorrent ) was going to use them in the extension but they didn’t really mix well so Fish room it is ! ! Just spending the day working them in ! Wish me Luck people !
