North Central Pennsylvania Meetings May

Anybody from Tioga County (PA)?

Anybody from Tioga County (PA)?

This is cool. I may be showing up at one of these soon. I've been following this for a little while and it seems to gaining a little momentum.
Has anyone from the Mansfield / Tioga County area shown up at all? I'm the only reefer I know of in my area.
Tag, I may get in touch this week. If not, I will see you at the gig, assuming you make it. Thanks.
Fisherman, I went to college at Manhole in the 80's. Hope you can make it.


Zoogi, I am planning on going. I have leather finger frags mounted 10.00 unmounted 5, alot of hard goods , genx 40 water pump, Oceanic 48" 110 watt compacts in black case. Amiracle sump 30x14x14 rough shape but holds water 40.00, tap water purifier, No spill water change hose 50 foot. Any one interested pm me will consider trades . Want zoo's polyps, and ricordea. Rick Maley
For you guys driving in from the west (and anyone else who is interested), if you want to make a detour and check out the Penn State 500G tank, and my 180G tank, let me know. I can arrange it. Swing through state college on your way to Williamsport.

I just remembered I do have some stuff A 90 galon tank 2 pc AG lights hood type / & 3 100 & looks like A 250 gallon tanks for growing corals in A green house not sure if it will fit in between my wheel boxs. let me know,
crap should of said no bulbs sorry! just the fixtures
I also have a R/O 35 GPH like new BUT no membrane I let it dry out .
Guess I'll paste it in this thread too.

Guess I'll paste it in this thread too.

Ok, you talked me into it. :D Looks like I am going to be able to make the swap. I'll probably be riding up with Rob from (aka holeinone1972). Here is my bringing/wanting list.

Bringing/could bring:
~Some zoanthids
~An encrusting gorg
~Xenia (is there already going to be a lot of this there?)
~Blastomussa (very small, about 3 heads)
~Brain Coral Lobophyllia (would like to trade for a suncoral Tubastraea, hammer, or frogspawn)
~Michelob Black & Tan (trade for Saranac Black and Tan) :D

~Before mentioned sun coral, hammer, or frogspawn
~Yellow Zoanthids
~Any sand bed bugs or critters
~Yellow Zoanthids
~Candy cane Caulastrea
~Any leather that is on the lower end of the toxic/allelopathic side of soft corals.
~Yellow Zoanthids

Most of my frags will be very small, and I would only expect very small frags in return. Except perhaps the zoanthids. Some of them I could make bigger frags of.

I hope to do mostly trading, but I will be looking to buy one or two things maybe. Probably be most interested in buying a small hammer frag if nobody wants to trade for the brain coral. I'll get a pic of that up tomorrow afternoon by the way. If nobody posts here that they want it, then I'm not going to bring it with me.
Crap, crap crap.

Crap, crap crap.

Well...I finnally sat down and mapped out everything from where I need to be and when--to see if I can make this thing. Leaving Leesport PA at Noon (the earliest I can leave)...needing to be in Lansdale by 5:30pm...and aproximately a 5 hour round trip would mean a whole 30 minutes at Zooqis.

Obviously that's not going to happen, so I'm out. But I atleast wanted to thank Zooqi publicly for his effort in putting this thing on (and give this thread another BUMP before the event :)).

Do me one more favor of posting the turnout so I know what I missed...I mean so I know what to look forward to for the next one.

Tags---I will snip off a few red mushrooms for you.
I may also bring one or two sarco frags to trade if anyone is interested.


What frag meeting are you talking about? :D Thank you for letting us know. We will let you know how much good time you have missed.:)


Thanks, but if you haven't cut them yet, please either hang on to them or bring them to trade at zooqi's. My red's are splitting even as we speak. I do hope to catch up to some xenia there though.
Hi Tags---I thought I saw a post where you were looking for mushrooms. Hope to see you at Z's. The weather is looking OK, but cold. Zooqi can build a fire in his pit and we can roast me crab. :D


Yes, I AM looking for 'srooms, but as luck would have it, yours and my lonely little critter are the same color.
CU there.
(I'll bring the tartar sauce)
OH YA last chance if anyone wants the 90 gal. tank I'm not going to take my truck unless I have to 10-12 mpg.:eek2:
I wont be able to make it tomorrow. :( My boss quit and i have an interview for her job. If i get it i will have $6K more a year to spend on my tanks. :D Have fun everyone and someone take some pics to share.
jaydse: just sent you PM.
Totlxtc : Sorry to hear that you can't make it :( and congrat. ahead of time :beer: