North Central Pennsylvania Meetings May

i think i'll try to get some close up pics of my mysteries on my live rock maybe someone will know what they are. i can't wait till the next thread comes out and/or more responses to this 1
Car Pooling from Reading, PA

Car Pooling from Reading, PA

If I read everything correctly, it looks like it's going to be on a Saturday. If that's the case, I have class in Leesport that morning and my school is a 15-20 minute drive from my house..and my house is in the OPPOSITE direction from Williamsport. So if anybody is planning on a route that takes them up Rt. 61 we can park in the school parking lot and go from there..I know <i>I'm</i> leaving from sense going home first since I'm not going to have anything to trade and it would waste too much time.

We'll worry about any details when the time gets closer...May feels like it's an eternity from now.. Whoever is in the Reading Area and interested in carpooling, send an email to my email account (it's Fizz71 then'm spliting them in here so a worm doesn't see it and send me more freakin' spam mail then I get already). I'll put a list together.

So far I have about 45 people in my list. There will be a thread soon what everybody is bringing. Do you guys think is the right time to start that thread or should we wait?
Johnny,,ooops, I decided to open the tread while you were typing here. I got a suggestions to start it now so people know what to frag ahead of time and if they want to attach or they can cut before the meeting. This way those who are fragging and attaching have an idea.

Here is the thread link
Frag List
:) :)
haha I guess there are pros and cons to either way, but since you opened the thread already... what I meant to say was...

Yeah open it now, that will be much better!


More people better reefers picnic we will have. I have been researrching brewing :D :D
zooqi said:
More people better reefers picnic we will have. I have been researrching brewing :D :D
Talk to some of the PMAS guys. A few of them home brew. But, untill you get a knack for it, get a keg! :D
Try sending a PM to Rob (holeinone1972). I know some of them were talking about car-pooling up to the swap, but don't know if they ever decided or not. I'm still iffy. 6 hours is a bit of a drive. You never know what May will bring though (except for May Flowers).:D