North Central Pennsylvania Meetings May

Hey Zooqi, do you want any of us "fragless" folks to bring anything? Food, snacks, Drinks, etc?

fragless people: $10 admission (kidding) lol: no, just show up and there will be some others with frags here. I will have food and drinks..:D Bring as many people as you want and they don't have to be reefers to attend.
Hey Zooqi and Reading PA Folks...

Hey Zooqi and Reading PA Folks...

Zooqi - Will you be sending out formal directions?

Any of you Reading, PA folks looking to car pool? I can take my Jeep Laredo and we can use the back for coolers ;-) Let me know who is interested... Or if you have any other ideas.

-Rep :bum:
it looks like i'll have green ricordea and cabbage leather.

I'm looking for monti caps and colored button polyps.

I'm sorry that I cannot definitely RSVP for this event. However, if I can possibly be there, I will....
with Stichodactyla tapetum to trade/sell , of course!;)
Gary, ooh man ya gotta do the drive! I don't wanna hear any excuses!!!

Johnny, how is everything doing that you got from me??? Did the monti's make it? Dude, we gotta get together again soon! I need your knowledge on turf scrubbers. Ya get some time, Email me a parts list... Thanx man...

Hey Rep, if you guys from the Reading area would like to stop in on the way to zooqi's. Drop me a line... BTW I sent ya an email a few weeks ago about LR and stuff... what's up?

I'll be adding my list of availibles in the next week or so.. It's gonna be huge! :eek2:

Somewhere in the range of a 100 plus SPS frags with a few LPS colonies. along with a few fish...
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Re: New BBS for Salt Water Frag Trading

Re: New BBS for Salt Water Frag Trading

I would appreciate your help.

I want to tell you about a new site that is designed to help us trade salt water corals. I think it is a good site. However, it is very new and there are not many frags on it yet. I invite you to consider joining and post your frags? You just enter your information and the items that you want to trade. You can search the site for someone in your area and see what they have to sell or trade.

I have posted information about the PA meeting on the site.

There is a new member contest, and we could win $25. I would appreciate it if you would help me out and please register at the site. Then post a reply on the following link that you were sent by Mal3. Of course, if you are not interested, then don't.

Thank you for your help.

Mal Smith

Do you have a meeting start and end time? It's a long drive so I'll be kinda late.
Swap meet + tank available

Swap meet + tank available

I live a half hour from Zooqi and have an all glass 120 long (6 foot) tank. It's one of the few I've seen without an obstructing center brace. I've had it over 3 years without a lick of problems. Given this addiction, I ended up with a 240, TWO 120's a 58 and a 40. All in the same room. I can't walk in here. Anyway, I want to sell the long 120, and possibly the 58 rr and hood. The 58 had a very nice stand and hood, but I'm not *as* anxious to sell that one. The 120 has a homemade stand that's perfectly functional, just not pretty. If anyone's interested, and has the vehicle to take it, we could talk.
(My email address is available here at RC)
I have it from 1-5 but if you guys a little early that is fine and hope that next Saturday turns nice like today.
Hi everyone,

This is my list of items that I can bring. Let me know if there is interest.

Dry Goods:
1 New Fluval 104 Canaster filter
3 mini Jet 404 powerheads (new & used)
10 artificial Saltwater plants (new & used) (great in fish only tanks)
1 1.87 leter Marineland Black Diamond Carbon
1 reef success calcium +3
1 seaclone skimmer (no powerhead)
1 200 gal reef crystal salt bucket

2 types of micro algae
Halmedia plant
Another plant (I don't know the name)
Green Sinularia Leather Coral Frag
Encrusting Gargonia frags


I hope to attend the swap next Saturday. Although I have nothing to trade, I'm interested in purchasing COLORFUL "shrooms and/or Ricordea. If you will have some there, please **pm** me with what you have and how much you want for them. Emails with pics would be even better. If I can't make it to the meet, I will get the cash to Zooqi before the meet. I'm sure he'll hold them for me (right Mo?).
Tag, I may be interested in the tank. Is it a complete setup? I was planing on doing it in January, but it might be worth a look.


Hey, I see you're in Woolrich. I live 3 doors from the hospital in LH. Why not stop by here and take a look yourself.
Tagamet: Yeah,, I will hold your money for you wether you can make it or can't make it :D :D :)