Norwegian 133G Zeovit Reef


In my previous thread, Norwegian 133g acrylic sps tank, I lost against aiptasia. I decided in January to remove all of my LR and sand and re-boot. Therefore I now make a new thread as I have a fresh start.

Positive sides of a fresh start.
  • Plan Corals and make a perfect Aquascape
  • No more Aiptasia (at least for now)
  • New and fresh Premium LR from Indonesia

Not so positive sides of a fresh start.
  • Expensive
  • Take a lot of time
  • Lost a couple of corals
  • Unstable water parameteres

But now I finally can realize my dream of a 99% Acropora Reef. Of SPS I will only have Acropora in this tank. I will have some LPS on the sand like a couple of Fungias and the Meteorshower Cyphastrea.

Here is some information about the tank and equipment.

Aquarium: Acrylic tank from Schuran in Germany 112x75x60 cm, 12mm thickness, 504 l (133 G)
Sump: Glass 65x50x45 cm, 8mm thickness, 146 l (38 G)

Light: Orphek Atlantik v1
Skimmer: Royal Exclusive Bubble King Double Cone 200
Circulation: Maxspect Gyre XF150
Water Filtration: SMR1 Nextreef Reactor with BioPellets, Filter Bag with Rowaphos and active carbon
Additives: Balling+ with a Grotech III NG dosage pump, Amino acids and Kalium

Amphirion Ocellaris Premium Black Ice/Snowflake ORA x 2
Chelmon Rostratus
Halichoeres Iridis (Radiant Wrasse)
Neocirrhites Armatus (Flame Hawkfish)

Acropora Awi
Acropora Caroliniana
Acropora sp. Aussie
Acropora Tortuosa

Cyphastrea Agassizi Meteorshower
I had a spare acrylic top for my Orphek Atlantik lamp. This was the perfect stabilizer of my Aquascape. I have used a lot of strips for this scape. I will try to hide most of them with small branching LR and coral glue.




To be continued..
Hey Andreas! Good to see you back on the forums. Hope your family is well. Look forward to your rebuild. :)
Hey Sahin! Thank you, glad to be back. We are fine thanks. How about you?

Here is the final aquascape. Sorry for the poor picture quality. I forgot to take pictures of the whole process, sorry about that :deadhorse1:



I haven't got the sand yet. Ordered 1-2mm and hope that will be enough to stay on the bottom.
I'm good thanks. Thats a pretty cool scape. Lots of negative space should make for an impressive display. :beer:
A couple of frags. I will try to have just "deepwater acroporas" on the little island.

Here are two for now. Acropora Caroliniana.


And Acropora Awi.


I lost the mother coral in my crash and finally got back a frag from a friend:)
Here's a picture of the colony that the Awi came from.

The frag has only been here a couple of days so I can't wait till it will color up!


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That A. awi looks very nice man. I cant wait to see you produce the stunning tank that you had before under the ATI. I remember the colours were awesome and the photography was top class. Just waiting for all that to return. :)
Thanks Sahin. I sadly lost my Achilles Tang a couple of weeks ago. It was crazy about Ocean Nutrition Formula One and Prime Reef Flakes so I was very surprised when it suddenly died. I only had it for around seven days. My second try, and I am not sure if I am going for a third. It must have brought something with it, because only a couple of days later the Chelmon Rostratus and Bipartitus wrasse died without any real reason.

Will not add any more fish for a month or so. Am not sure what kind of fish to try next. I need one Tang (or algae eater), a wrasse who can eat flatworms and other plagues and maybe some anthias or something to bring a little color beside the corals. Do you guys have any tips?

I have gotten a lot of Acropora lately (even though the system is so fresh) . Everything looks very good so far. Stay tuned for more pictures.
Norwegian 133G Acropora Reef

Norwegian 133G Acropora Reef

Thanks Sahin. I think I will try to find two small A. Nigricans and A. Leucosternon. I like the Bipartitus wrasse but it's hard to get hold of right now.

Here's finally a couple of pictures!

Corals finally acclimated. All Aussie!


Hmm, where to start...?



Where to mount everything?





Starting to look like an Acropora reef..


My son is impressed hehe


Looking great buddy. :thumbsup: Cant wait to see the top down shots from the Canon DSLR. :)
Thanks. Here's pictures one day after introduction.

Tabling Aussie. Unknown id.



Acropora Rosaria.


Acropora Sarmentosa.


Acropora Millepora.


Acropora sp.


Acropora Florida.


Acropora sp.



Acropora Aculeus.

Thats more like it! :beer: I've always enjoyed the awesome photography you produce. :thumbsup: These corals should look awesome within a few months. The A. sarmentosa will look awesome soon. I had one in the past, it got bright pink tip faces and awesome glowing green body.

Take things easy; thats got to be some expensive coral purchase. Be careful with the nutrient reduction and keep parameters stable; these corals will be sensitive for a while. Goodluck my friend. Hope to see this reef become special like your 140G. :)
Some top-down!

Acropora Aculeus.


Aussie Fungia.


Acropora sp.


Acropora sp.


Tabling A. Sp.


Acropora Florida.



Acropora Rosaria.


Acropora Sarmentosa.

Thats more like it! :beer: I've always enjoyed the awesome photography you produce. :thumbsup: These corals should look awesome within a few months. The A. sarmentosa will look awesome soon. I had one in the past, it got bright pink tip faces and awesome glowing green body.

Take things easy; thats got to be some expensive coral purchase. Be careful with the nutrient reduction and keep parameters stable; these corals will be sensitive for a while. Goodluck my friend. Hope to see this reef become special like your 140G. :)

Thanks Sahin. I had to go all in when I got a chance to get hold of Aussie Acroporas:xlbirthday:

I have acclimated them well. Am running the lamp on acclimation program and will gradually put it back on 100% by next week. Since the rock and everything is so fresh, nutrients can become a problem. But I hope biopellets and rowphos will take most of it. So far so good. Balling is currently on 100ml pr day. So far no loss!
Acropora Millepora.


Saving the best hehe!

Acropora Microclados. Aussie SSC.


Acropora Spathulata.


Acropora sp. Pearlberry (sadly I lost this little frag the day after introduction).


Blue Acropora Spathulata.


Here's the placement of the Spathulatas (have one more frag of a pink one, its to the left in front of the large Milli)


FTS in blue lights.
