Nudibranch Eating Wrasses

I have had very good luck with the seagrass wrasse. I had a large population boom in my 90 gallon a little while ago. I added a six line and the seagrass. The six line too picky. The seagrass would eat anything that was moving. He did eat most of my hermit, but I am done with those anyways. All they do is knock over corals and rocks. Snails don't come out except at night so they are still doing well.
Heeeeeeey, finally a good report on the SGW. As with everything else, there's just no gurantees on anything in this hobby, LOL. Glad he worked out for you Kalied20.

Mucho Reef
Hello... what a great post...


Long ago I had a Nudi problem back when I collected alot of Zoa... almost made me acquiesce... Then I found my SGW :) at first I thought he was sick from the white spots?? But now 2 years later he looks exactally the same.. He is a Nudi hunter killer... I just place a rock into the tank for him and take it to the display the next day..

Here is a pic of him on the prowl :)


No Zoa collector should be without one... However I have heard that they must develope a tatse for the Nudis as some do not hunt as actively.

Great Thread MUCHO
I have a 6 line wrasse in my tank, who is a good hunter, he will just not eat zoa nudis. I am thinking about getting a yellow wrasse for my tank as well and see if he does a better job on them. My 6 line is pretty mellow as far as 6 lines go, so hopefully he will leave a yellow wrasse alone, if not he will be headed to my nano. What is everyones thoughts on this?
1) Great Thread Mucho!

2) interesting - back in 2004, This was labeled a '"Bali green leaf wrasse" when I purchased it at LFS, I couldn't verify this species. Finally, in May '04, a stranger provided the species name, Novaculichthys macrolepidotus. But here's the interesting part:

I found references to it being called a "Seagrass Wrasse". But other Reefer's pics have a SeaGrass Wrass as something totally different.
Otherwise, this guy demolished just about everything in the tank, I had a FOWLR at the time, but he ate EVERYTYHING, he'd be good for nudi's, but don't know if reef safe.

<img src="" border="0" alt="">

<img src="" border="0" alt="">
I have had mine in my reef tank for a while (about six months). I do keep him feed pretty good now that he has cleaned up the Nudi's. He will eat anything I put in there (Frozen anything, flakes, etc.) He does not pick at anything, but that doesn't mean that a different one wouldn't. I think I might have gotten really lucky with him.

He loves to sit in the Green Star Polys and watch me watching him.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11842270#post11842270 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Kalied20
I have had mine in my reef tank for a while (about six months). I do keep him feed pretty good now that he has cleaned up the Nudi's. He will eat anything I put in there (Frozen anything, flakes, etc.) He does not pick at anything, but that doesn't mean that a different one wouldn't. I think I might have gotten really lucky with him.

He loves to sit in the Green Star Polys and watch me watching him.

What species are you talking about?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11845360#post11845360 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by goldmaniac
What species are you talking about?

It looks exactly like the one you have a picture of just above....
oh, that's pretty cool. I didn't realize you were talking about the species in my posted pics.

Yeah, pretty neat fish. Unfortunately, he jumped to his death, I had him for a while and he always did well. Bold fish, but I don't remember him picking on others.
Is the 'orange striped wrasse' referring to H. melanurus or Cirrhilabrus Earlei ?

EDIT: nevermind i just realized melanarus is called yellow striped, not orange.