Our 400 Gallon In Wall Natural Sun-Lit Reef"

Joe your tank is wonderful an I am sure it is a daily reminder of the love you and Kelly had. I know it is hard to lose your loving wife.
Best wishes.
It's been six months since Kelly passed away, I will love you always!

I love you, I love you
I cry out to the night sky
Don't worry, no one can hear me
It's just you and I
I look to the heavens and what do I see
It's your eyes, now stars twinkling down on me
I want you to know
No matter how much time passes...
No matter where I go
We'll always have these moments
That only you and I know

Thank you for the continued support! One of our videos broke 20,000 views today!

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This almost brought tears to my eyes. Not to sound like a macho man but that rarely happens. Very touching. I am recently engaged and cannot imagine losing the love of my life. Best wishes my friend.
I know it's an older thread, but I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what that would be like, prayers are still being said for you :) Remember that Kelly is still with you, every time you look at that beautiful tank she is smiling at it with you.


Also, I'm thinking of setting up a small, sunlit seagrass tank, this is quite the inspiration for it! It's so cool to see how beautiful the corals look under real, natural lighting. I hope we can all follow in your footsteps one day!
I feel lucky to have simply read this thread. Joe, my condolences to you and yours. Your resiliency is inspiring. I learned a lot more about my life in this thread than I did about NSL tanks (which I didn't know much about to begin with!) and I am glad I have had the opportunity to enjoy, shed my tears, and wipe my tears all in the same thread.
Hi friends, it’s been a while, since I updated and I’m sorry for that, I haven’t been in the best of places, the holidays our anniversary and Kelly’s birthday really got me down and I felt myself spiraling into complete depression. Over the last few weeks I feel I have been renewed with happiness in my heart again, I want to live, and I know I can be happy again.

No longer will I hide in the shadows of Kelly’s death but in the bright light that was her life. I will be eternally grateful for the love we shared, and will no longer consume myself of her death but her love of life instead.

Hold your head up, Joe. No one could have honoured her more than you. How about some bright, sun-shiney photos of how your tank is doing today?

I am a widower. On June 2, 2013 at 10:22pm, a date like any other date when you look at calendar, my wife of 24 years, Kelly Marie Palermo, died. To us 10:22 meant so much more, it was our - first date, engagement, marriage, vow renewal and a joyful game we would play almost everyday of our lives together. Seeing if we could get in front of a clock as it would tick 10:22 we would kiss and giggle like those giddy teenage kids from way back when, It was a great game. …life changes in an ordinary moment.

During the month leading up to Kelly’s death, I was sleeping two to four hours a night, making hospital vigils; attending a dozen hours a day. I went back and forth, home/hospital / work from the moment her symptoms of colon cancer first appeared. One night, I woke up to her 4 a.m. screams. My fear was overwhelming. I had to punch my heart to start breathing. It is an experience that is embedded forever in my memory.

Coming home to an empty house is not easy. There is no one to greet you, and the chair opposite mine at the dinner table is empty. The house seems to echo from the silence and I shed a tear as I remember that I’m now alone. So many years together, so many memories the two of us created together is all I have left. Losing a loved one changes your entire life, especially when the loved one was also your best friend. I feel completely lost and totally uncomfortable making even minor decisions. The bed feels big and I hug the pillows for comfort. But something inside me tells me that I can survive!

How does a man pick up the pieces of his life after years of marriage? For me, at first, it seemed impossible. “I simply can’t do this,” I said to myself. This is way too much-way more than anything before. I simply felt unequipped, lacking the strength and courage I thought it took. I had suicidal thoughts while looking for a non-existent exit strategy.

There definitely is something to be said about going through that first calendar year alone. There were the first holidays and the first birthdays. There was that first wedding anniversary. Seeing the balloon heart form in the sky touched my heart and soul I knew at that moment Kelly will always be with me Those first time dated experiences are unsettling landmarks.

Having gone through this memorial year, I don’t want to die young like my wife did. I want to live life to the fullest with the time I have left, enjoying my days.

Coming home to an empty house is not easy. There is no one to greet you, and the chair opposite mine at the dinner table is empty. The house seems to echo from the silence and I shed a tear as I remember that I'm now alone. So many years together, so many memories the two of us created together is all I have left. Losing a loved one changes your entire life, especially when the loved one was also your best friend. I feel completely lost and totally uncomfortable making even minor decisions. The bed feels big and I hug the pillows for comfort. But something inside me tells me that I can survive!

How does a man pick up the pieces of his life after years of marriage? For me, at first, it seemed impossible. "œI simply can't do this," I said to myself. This is way too much-way more than anything before. I simply felt unequipped, lacking the strength and courage I thought it took. I had suicidal thoughts while looking for a non-existent exit strategy.

There definitely is something to be said about going through that first calendar year alone. There were the first holidays and the first birthdays. There was that first wedding anniversary. Seeing the balloon heart form in the sky touched my heart and soul I knew at that moment Kelly will always be with me Those first time dated experiences are unsettling landmarks.

Having gone through this memorial year, I don't want to die young like my wife did. I want to live life to the fullest with the time I have left, enjoying my days.


You reached into my soul and grabbed these words and put them on the screen for me to read. I know exactly how you feel. Though my wife didn't pass away, but simply left me for another man, these words you speak have pierced my soul. Im sorry for the pain you have endured. Only time will heal wounds. Surround yourself with those who you love and just take it one day at a time.

You have friends here Joe, take advantage of us. If there is anything I can do to help ease the pain, I surely would be happy to help.
Thank you, everyone

I never imagined when I started building 'Our 400 Gallon Natural Sunlit Reef' it would have ever taken on this kind of life and direction. Even though I've only met a handful of you over the years I think of you all as friends. The words of encouragement from people around the world has given me the strength I've needed on many of my sad days these past few years.
Very touching thread Joe! My deepest sympathies go out to you...I stumbled across your thread because I want to upgrade my tank soon and then was captivated by your love story. I wish you nothing but the best and just want to thank you for sharing all that you have. Peace and happiness to you!