Our 400 Gallon In Wall Natural Sun-Lit Reef"

Hello everyone I have a bit of an update it's actually pretty cool. I was recently up on the roof completing my quarterly cleaning - maintenance and inspection of the Sun-Domes and I noticed a bit of cloudiness starting that the regular cleaning wouldn't remove. So I gave Sun-Dome a call I explained the issue I was having and they told me they would have the owner give me a call, and that he was out of town and it would probably be a few days before he would get back to me. Well about a half-hour later her called, I told him what was happening, how their light collection system was being used and told him a bit about my tank. As I was talking, he Googled my tank and started watching my videos and asking questions, he was impressed with the idea, concept and design of my system. He began telling me about the Sun-Dome lens development, design and injection process and how I could remove the cloudiness from my existing domes. As we were talking he mentioned a new lens he's working on called "˜Zenith' the material used in the development will allow a higher wavelength of light, higher Kelvin and UV. It will help grow a healthier habitat for my sea life and coral. I asked him how soon until they would be ready for sale, he said about six months or so. He then told me he would be willing to get me some prototypes for testing and comparison of the original domes. And would I be willing to try them out.

Um, Yes!

Well a few weeks passed and I kinda forgot about the domes, well yesterday the owner called me, told me he's been out of town and sorry for the delay. Informed me he has my domes and asked for my address. I figured he would just send them to me; no, he hand delivered the new Sun-Domes!

Looking forward to getting them installed!

Great news! Don't forget to send us lots of pictures, movies, free passes and liberal doses of beer and pizza!

congrats! that's great to hear. this thread has seriously made me want to do a similar setup for my new house.
do you get much heat off of those sun tubes

No added heat to the system 77 degrees all year. I have a small fan that moves air across the top of the tank, whatever temperature I set the house central air to is what the tanks temperature will be. In the winter I just turn off the fan and sometimes need a small heater.
Installed the new domes today, and immediately noticed a change in color these domes appear to produce a much crisper*intense white light in the 8,000k-10,000k kelvin scale the other domes had a bit more yellow tone 5,000k-7,000k kelvin.*Looking good so far. *I'll be watching, will report more soon.
I will be curious how the corals respond to the sudden change in light intensity and spectrum. They will probably need a month or two at least to adjust.

I will be curious how the corals respond to the sudden change in light intensity and spectrum. They will probably need a month or two at least to adjust.


If needed I can install the light screen to help reduce the change in lighting.
Wow, I just read through this thread. What a beautiful tanks, and what an incredible story. Joe, thank you for sharing your experience. I hope this tank continues to bring much joy to your life.

If I may ask a question, have you ever had any problems with the domes leaking? Do you have some sort of guard to protect a leak from going into the system?
Hi everyone, how about a few new pictures to start your Monday. New sun-domes have been in for a few weeks and things are getting better every day!
