!*Out with the Old In with the 600g 10 footer!*

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Why is this on the SW forum?
I was very excited to see a tall and 10 feet tank ......
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**EDIT** Don't post if you don't want others to comment. I could use a few names myself but will keep them to MYSELF.

Keeping it to yourself is a good idea. Reporting the offending post is an even better one
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It is a nice tank, and we can all benefit from the documentation here. I don't care if it ends up with paper fish taped to the front of it, I still saw a nice stand and hood combination that gives me some ideas for the future.
Very cool tank set up. A little disappointed at the outcome as it would be cool to see some large SW fish or a school of something. A lot of potential in a tank this size. Well, those always the option to convert down the road. However, you don't seem to be making many friends with the name calling.
Moderaters please just close this forum! Info and ideas are in and people can either use them or not.

Moderaters please just close this forum! Info and ideas are in and people can either use them or not.


I'm not going to close the forum, but seeing that you are the thread starter, I'm willing to close this thread on your request, assuming that's what you meant to say. If my assumption is incorrect, and you want the thread reopened, send me a PM with a link to the thread.

Thread closed.
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