Thanks Flo, I can't wait to see your next tank toothanks Perry!
as always... amazing!
can´t wait to start my tank all over!!
Love the full tank shots Perry, you should look into the camera lens gels, they make removing the blue from the pictures effortless. I keep one taped over my iPhone camera 100% of the time now. As I stated in my thread I have now Ben using a bit of the phosphate minus for a few weeks now with good results- I gather from a few internet searches it's almost identical to RowaPhos, which itself is repackaged for a German wastewater product company. Either way, you get more of it, for less money than Rowa, and I didn't see anything coming off of it when I rinsed the first small amounts, so I haven't rinsed it since then. So far I'm liking it![]()
That tort is sick Perry!
Thanks Flo, I can't wait to see your next tank too![]()
This FTS is very nice. Thanks for sharing. I like the way pinks/purples glow.
Thank You Bulent!!!
For whatever reason, reds, pinks and purps do well in this tank![]()
but it won´t be a new tank, just some remodeling and changing it into an SPS tank with AF system!
They all look very good without exception. You must be proud of your achievement.
thanks man!Cannot wait to see your success Flo, Cheers my friend![]()
How much rock do you have in your tank? I am sure you mentioned it, but 34 pages is a bit much to hunt through.
I am guessing, but roughly estimate the display to have around 80-100lbs of rock, give or take either way. I am using 4L of Matrix and 2L of Siporax for additional surface area. I am very seriously considering adding a thin layer of Tropic Eden Reef Flakes. I love the bb efficiency, but also love the look of a sandbed. We shall see, I think the tank would have a bit more pop with sand
P.S.~ Keep in mind the rock is very dense...
Perry, I was just skimming through your thread... OMG!! The colors are sick. This is really working out for you. Keep kicking butt!
Thanks. Like the openness of you tank. I have 60-80 pounds in my cube system and that is all I was planning on using for my 120.
thanks man!
will keep you postet!
meanwhile i´m following your tank!!
Thanks Flo, I may have some good news to share soon, working on details, so stay tuned my friend![]()
what a tease! :lolspin:
Perry the tank has come a long way; colours are awesome buddy. :beer: Its really good to see so many good tanks on the SPS forum. :thumbsup: