Perry's 120 Gallon Reef

thanks Perry!

as always... amazing!

can´t wait to start my tank all over!! ;)

Thanks Flo, I can't wait to see your next tank too :)

Love the full tank shots Perry, you should look into the camera lens gels, they make removing the blue from the pictures effortless. I keep one taped over my iPhone camera 100% of the time now. As I stated in my thread I have now Ben using a bit of the phosphate minus for a few weeks now with good results- I gather from a few internet searches it's almost identical to RowaPhos, which itself is repackaged for a German wastewater product company. Either way, you get more of it, for less money than Rowa, and I didn't see anything coming off of it when I rinsed the first small amounts, so I haven't rinsed it since then. So far I'm liking it:)

I hear you, I seriously need to break down and get an orange gel filter and get it all over with, lol... I have been using picassa to post edit by means of auto color and auto contrast. It does well, but the gel filter will take even more blue out. As far as phos minus goes, it does do a great job, I still rinse, just me, but it does effective work, but again, quite gentle. Currently running it with carbon in a reactor. I will likely be decreasing the dose on it and carbon, for this, one reactor seemed sufficient. They exhaust around the same time, so when I replace both, I throttle the flow way back and ramp over several days, until I get my desired flow rate. Glad it is working for you, I am still stumped at how many other products I feel would be stripping the tank, while the probiotic method of AF is much more mellow...

That tort is sick Perry!

Thanks Tim, that one has been getting lighter in the base, close to white, with bluish purple hues. I have sort of experimented with this one being my canary in the coal mine, for coral e. I increased the dosage amount to full strength, every other day, no ill effects and liking what I see :)
Perry, the tank is looking super nice!
Forget, which camera do you use?
How many drops of np pro do you use and what's your volume again?
If I remember, you don't have a fuge or dsb, right?
Can you repost the fts from the beginning of your restart?
Just want to see it up against the current fts..
I use the cannon eos rebel t1i oldie but still take good pics.
The tank volume is now just the display plus sump, so right around 120 for dosing~ I estimate mostly around 5-6 drop of everything. That is currently what I am dosing on NP Pro. I do not have a fuge or rdsb at this time, just zeolits-phos minus-carbon-Pro Bio S, Pro Bio F, and NP Pro for ULNS. I also have 2L siporax and 4L of matrix. Thanks for the kind words, I have added supplemental led and the tank has a bit more pop now :) Here are the 2 shots, keep in mind I have moved some things around, but the basic idea anyway.


but it won´t be a new tank, just some remodeling and changing it into an SPS tank with AF system! ;)


Cannot wait to see your success Flo, Cheers my friend :)

They all look very good without exception. You must be proud of your achievement.

Ah, thanks man, you know I am happy, but try and remain as humble as I can, I love sharing my experiences, hopefully I can help others. The compliments are well appreciated, the tank has a way to go, many small beauties starting to grow, hard to pic up in the FTS right now, but in time hopefully they will rival my colonies. The colors are more pronounced with AF that is for sure, I think the addition of the 2 led strips has helped out too. Thanks again Bulent!
How much rock do you have in your tank? I am sure you mentioned it, but 34 pages is a bit much to hunt through.
How much rock do you have in your tank? I am sure you mentioned it, but 34 pages is a bit much to hunt through.

I am guessing, but roughly estimate the display to have around 80-100lbs of rock, give or take either way. I am using 4L of Matrix and 2L of Siporax for additional surface area. I am very seriously considering adding a thin layer of Tropic Eden Reef Flakes. I love the bb efficiency, but also love the look of a sandbed. We shall see, I think the tank would have a bit more pop with sand :)

P.S.~ Keep in mind the rock is very dense...
Perry, I was just skimming through your thread... OMG!! The colors are sick. This is really working out for you. Keep kicking butt!
I am guessing, but roughly estimate the display to have around 80-100lbs of rock, give or take either way. I am using 4L of Matrix and 2L of Siporax for additional surface area. I am very seriously considering adding a thin layer of Tropic Eden Reef Flakes. I love the bb efficiency, but also love the look of a sandbed. We shall see, I think the tank would have a bit more pop with sand :)

P.S.~ Keep in mind the rock is very dense...

Thanks. Like the openness of you tank. I have 60-80 pounds in my cube system and that is all I was planning on using for my 120.
Perry, I was just skimming through your thread... OMG!! The colors are sick. This is really working out for you. Keep kicking butt!

Thanks Richard, I appreciate the compliments! I am liking the way things are going, nitrates crept up to 5-7ppm and my corals have a little extra sheen right now. I will bring them down a bit, but look to stay saturated with color, that is the plan anyway :)

Thanks. Like the openness of you tank. I have 60-80 pounds in my cube system and that is all I was planning on using for my 120.

Thanks for the kind words Mark, that sounds like a great plan, you may be able to benefit by using a medium for extra surface area, matrix and or siporax will do a great job, considering you want less liverock. Looking forward to the unveiling :)

thanks man!

will keep you postet! ;)

meanwhile i´m following your tank!!

Thanks Flo, I may have some good news to share soon, working on details, so stay tuned my friend :)
Perry the tank has come a long way; colours are awesome buddy. :beer: Its really good to see so many good tanks on the SPS forum. :thumbsup:
what a tease! :lolspin:

LOL... Not really anything major, lol... But will keep you posted :)

Perry the tank has come a long way; colours are awesome buddy. :beer: Its really good to see so many good tanks on the SPS forum. :thumbsup:

Thanks Sahin,
Like you I am a tinkerer, so I will always try and push for better colors and more success with coral health. I think AF has given me what I want from that perspective. I always loved running zeovit, but this method seems less complicated and easier to employ. Thanks for checking in buddy, I appreciate the kind sentiments.


Last week I received part of a rather large lighting update. I received on last Thursday 2x Reef Brite 48 Lumi Lite Blue LED Strip Light. These strips are put together really nice, they include power supply and mounting bracket to fit on top of any tank. I modded of course so they would be more secure, they are only 3-4" off surface of water. I was going to install on my sunpower, but decided not to do so and mess with drills and screws. Oh, the Sunpower came in yesterday, and WOW my tank is 40% brighter, and that is with the light at 10" vs. 6" above the water line. I also updated my bulb combo, and it is much whiter than I normally would go, but with the addition of the leds, the spectrum is PERFECT. I am really stoked, will try and get some pics up this week for reference. Here is my new combo...

2x Reef Brite 48 Lumi Lite Blue LED Strip Light

T5 bulbs:
4x ATI Blue Plus
2x ATI Coral Plus
2x ATI Aquablue Special
uh that sounds nice!
a small hybrid^^
you really have to make regular pics of your acros to see if the bring any additional pop to those nice colors!!

thanks for the update buddy!
Nice, Perry! That's some serious light!
I tried a similar combo of blue plus, coral plus and abs but found it a bit too white/pink..
I changed out the abs for giesemann lagoon blue and was much happier..
However, with the led strips to supplement your combo, it sounds really nice.
Looking forward to some new pics! :)