Colors are spectacular Perry! How was the component system to dial in? I imagine you're moving through it pretty quickly. Do you think the trace elements in it has helped further improve colors with the continual supplementation? I'm still hanging on to my two part.
The pyramid has all the colonies and the frags are on the left. The left will fill in in no time! What's the pink one on the bottom in front of the pyramid?
Mindy, I am fairly sure that that little pink coral is the same as this oneI am growing ever so fond of this coral... Cheers!
Perry and Debora are a very bad people for the money Jajajaja.
Next week I will order my AF products pack too.
N' 3 is not the Mg, is salts I think. My and ca are together in the bucket 2
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Interesting. I read the manual, the FB page, and several pages of the AF forum here so my head is spinning a bit from all the research lol. I could have sworn one of the three components was MG but maybe not.
There have been a few people that I respect as reefers that have switched and commented so well about the products that I couldn't ignore it. A terrible time for me to spend $250 but I'm tired of the pale/faded colors on my hungry corals. I've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at them
Cham, I was in the same boat. There was growth but color is pale. I had algae and red cyano, so there was excessive nutrition. I ran GFO and fuge. It turns out nitrate and phosphate ratio. Since then, I stopped GFO, dosed nitrate, initially at 10 ppm for nitrate. I keep nitrate at 5ppm. I forgot to dose nitrate for 3 weeks, it drops to 0 today and I start to have a tiny patch of cyano.
Perry, beautiful one - which name (scientific not commercial) is this one ?
I'm sure Perry will answer but comp1+ is calcium and mag + trace, 2+ is alk and trace, 3+ is mineral salt + trace.
Be prepared to dose much more than current dosing is my experience. But I love the product it's good stuff
Perry omg what is that pink sps deliciousness. Holy crap man i want it and i want it now!!
Perry the pink one is crazy!
Buddy how about a new picture update? ^^
Looks very nice Perry.
You're a terrible influcence Perry.
I just ordered a bunch of AF stuff. I won't be doing full AF, for now I'll keep my bio pellets and Microbacter7 as well as BRS GFO & GAC as they are doing a good job at keeping my nutrients in check and I have a LOT of it in stock. I also have like 4 gallons of calcium and Soda ash, lol. Might try and just sell that.
I did order:
Power Food
Component 1,2,3
I had to buy another BRS Drews Doser, I only have 2 dosers, so that ran me another $100, so I'm about $250 into this, my tank better be as nice as yours!!! :hmm5:
Right now I'm doing BRS DIY two part, so I'm not sure if their Component is similar to BRS (I bought the premixed stuff) or stronger? Right now I'm dosing a total of 24 minutes per day spread out on the drews doser at 1.6ml per minute so that's just over 38ml of BRS products daily. I also dose Kalkwasser in full saturation and would like to keep that going, I like the effects of kalk (and if it saves me a few ML's per week of the more pricey AF stuff, lol). Is this ok to do?
I'll also use up the bucket of RC and RSCP that I have since I have one full of each left, then I'll maybe look at switching to AF salt since it's in line price wise to what I use today.
Another curious question, it looks like component 3 is the MG but since the salts I use are high in MG I've never once had to dose that in years. Is there just such a low dose of MG in it that it won't matter or will my MG skyrocket? I'm currently around 1400 (that's just from water changes).
Perry and Debora are a very bad people for the money Jajajaja.
Next week I will order my AF products pack too.
N' 3 is not the Mg, is salts I think. My and ca are together in the bucket 2
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Siatica acting up again over the weekend, sleeping on the floor, just trying to find a way to get comfortable, that is why I have been absent all weekend. Feeling better today, much more relieved. I will get some pics for you, lol.... Cheers buddy!