Pictures of your breeding setup?

Wow bcjm, truely awesome setup. Do you also sleep on that chair setup in front? :)
What's in the tanks? Gotta picture of your growout?
Wow, has it been 1 1/2 years already?

Well, all the pairs in the broodstock system are spawning except of course the black occelaris. They are just not big eaters and aren't growing as fast as the others.

The broodstock system remains the same except for the addition of a new skimmer, a 5-gallon bucket of bioballs, and some PC lighting over a tank containing a Ritteri with a couple of percs.

Hatches are juggled between 7 or 8 10 gallon tanks...

I've got 2 growout stands plumbed on one sump with 8x20 gallon (mostly full) and 4x40 gallons (1/2 full and growing out percs until the middle bars develop).

I'd be interested in seeing bcjm's system again...
Here's mine. The top is a 55g which serves as a fuge and for Bangaii's. The other tanks are 20 gallons for clowns.

Here's mine

Here's mine

There was no "real" plan, just kinda happened. Therefore it's a bit of a mess. More like a mad scientist sort of setup, if you will.
This is the broodstock system.


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I've got 2 tanks plumbed to a common sump. The right tank is a 29 gallon with a pair of Banggai cardinalfish and 3 shrimp. The left a 15 which is meant to be a growout for the banggai babies but currently has the 2 banggais that didn't pair. I'm thinking about putting a pair of seahorses in the growout tank (shouldn't hurt baby Banggais - I think). The system is cleaned by a Aqua C Remora on the 29. The 29 also has a Maxi Jet 1200 for surface agitation. Return pump is a mag 5. Return lines have ball valves past the T, so 15 can get less water back than the 29. Considering adding a small PH to the 15 for the same reason. Any feedback appreciated.


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Here's a picture of the sump. LR, Chaetomorpha, and a pump in an 18 Gallon rubermaid. A smaller plastic tub with lots of drilled holes provides baffles.


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i know this is a really, really old thread, and that it has been bumped up a couple of time, but it has some useful info in it.

i was just hoping some more people might put photos of their set ups, (no matter how small) i am finally ready to have a go at designing a small scale system and any more techniques/methods/designs that i may be able to "rip off" would be much appreciated.


Wow Dman, nice setup!

Well, this isn't a breeding setup, as most of my pairs are in reef tanks or other large FOWLR tanks, so those pics probably wouldn't be helpful.

There are 18 standard 10s in this system with a drilled bulkhead in the bottom. Air and water enter from rear right on each tank. I would say they would work for smaller species as broodstock tanks. For growout it would be nice to have larger tanks, but that would take more room that I didn't have... The glass lids were made by a local glass shop (minus hinges and handles), which is a great way to get exactly what you want and save some $$. I just use the tops to keep water and carpet surfers in the tanks; I know quite a few people who don't use them. Other than that, just a large skimmer and biofilter for all the messy little guys. The KISS approach is pretty much the rule for this system... I took a picture after cleaning, since they don't stay that way for long (notice bottom row :rolleyes: )


Sorry about the picture quality though, I really had to mess it up in order to make it fit in my album. Don't mind the copper piping in the background, it's just a water heater (for people water that is :D )
thanks guys,

gee fishboy, got yourself a few little fish there. nice and clean.
:D :D

dman, sorry if you have explained this before but the grey pipe above your tanks= water in? do you just have one pump that supplies all the tanks? how do you adjust the ammount going into each one?
NP, that pic was taken awhile ago. The 1.5inch PVC above the tanks is the feed side, this pic shows the drain side a little better. The two yellow pails on the end are dripping makeup and change water into tanks with fry too young to go on the system.

thanks dman, but how do you regulate the water going into the tanks through the feed line.

any chance of a front or above pic?