Pictures of your breeding setup?


Thanks for all the answers on this one. Yes I realise that the question is by far too much to asnwer via a PM, it is however a starting point and I thank you for the answers that you have provided.

I will continue to read up on different systems.

Thanks again for the help.

We have several threads like this but I think this is the best one. I tought I'd show you my latest Rube Goldberg, the temparary growout system for post met clowns until I can get the real growout built. The tank is a 60 gallon acrylic cut down to 12". The fish are in 5-1/2 gallon tanks with the bottom panel removed and replaced with window screen, "glass baskets" :D The sump is this funky plastic bin designed as a hazmat holding tank for 2- 55 gallon drums, I got it unused for $40 so why not? Return pump is a GenX 2400 and it goes through a 15 watt Aqua UV sterilizer. The buckets are a make shift trickle filter with a sock for mech pre-filter and the sump is full of bio-balls. There is a Red Sea Berlin skimmer in there too. Total volume is 95 gallons. Should hold 'em for a while, there are 800 clowns in there at 4 and 7 weeks plus some misc fish.

Too late to edit.
"The tank is a 60 gallon acrylic cut down to 12".
That's not right, it's a 100 gallon, 60 inches :rolleyes:
That is just freaking cool. So you only need one bulkhead to drain all the tanks, and I imagine you have it set up so the poop all collects in one corner? No vacuuming individual tanks?

Where did you get the glass baskets, or did you make them from tanks you tried to drill and found out were tempered?
I make 'em, basically break out the bottom but there is a trick to it, if you don't do it right you can crack the sides. I'm gonna write it up with pics for a local site, when it's done I'll post the link.

No siphoning, that is pretty much the whole point :cool:
Wow! from the photo, it appears that the tank/nets are sitting on dowels. So there is enough current underneath the tanks to clear out the detritus that falls beneath the screens? Don't the screens get all gunked with algae, etc.?
Good eye, I forgot to mention that :D Yes the tanks sit on 1" pvc and there is plenty of flow below them to sweep away detritus. Also there are some fish running loose in there that don't get fed, they grab up anything that gets past the clowns and falls through the screen. Sure the screens get nasty after a month or so but it's simple to brush them clean. This is the protype for the 225 gallon raceway I am building for growout. In that tank the 1" pvc will be drilled at each tank and will be part of the return manifiold, iow a blast of water will shoot below each tank.
Of course, breeders have used baskets forever, make it out of anything you want. I prefer the solid sides and screen bottom because I want the fish eating the bulk of the food I add. Mesh sides would mean a tremendous ammount of food flowing out of the basket and going to waste, degrading wq. If you really want to go fast, cheap and easy you can use the plant baskets sold for pond plants, I have at least a dozen of them mostly used for isolating adult fish. I also get plastic collendars (sp?) from the 99 cent store, can't beat a 2 gallon holding tank for a buck :D
broodstock setup

broodstock setup

Easy 4 tank setup, on a table. Bioball tower has a 100 micron prefilter, and 5 gallons of bioballs. Not shown is the skimmer and in tank uv sterilzer, both in the sump also. Pic was taken during its leak test, but now has 4 pairs of clowns, 2 that have started spawning.

