ive considered the compressor idea fairly heavily ive purchased the plumbing, set it up, but i dont use it.
I did a DIY filter post compressor, even though the one i have is electric it does take oil, and does have a tendancy to pick things up, so i used some filterfloss and carbon and in testing it works great, but it would probibly be better if I used a larger tank, so it wouldnt have to cycle as often, possibly one or more of those cheapo portable tire fixer dudads that you fill with a seperate compressor. also a controller that turned on when it needed it then filled it full, as we could work with a 75psi swing we dont need the constant pressure before a regulator.
I do have an O2 tank with outputs into my cultures, and growout and as of recently i have it pluged into my broadstock also, the output rate is fairly low, i know it does nice things to my cultures and growout but i dont see any advantage to the broadstock tanks, Ill probibly leave it as its more work to disconnect it than anything else.
another note about the paint style compressors VS blowers. even the cheapest blower (they do go down to the $150's ) are rated for continous duty, almost no paint style compressor is rated at even close.