Pictures of your breeding setup?

David M just a thought on your bio towers for your new system on my holding system space was an issue so I went vertical using 3x7ft lenghts on 18inch pvc pipes with caps on the ends made up some small round drip plates filled with bio balls coral rubble etc holds a heck of a lot and put bulhead fitting on the top end cap and water pumped up goes thru 3 way divider and into top has always worked well was cheap and gives a lot of surface area the system is around 2000 lire and holds from a couple fish to well over a hunderd some times and always worked well.
Regards Steve
ive considered the compressor idea fairly heavily ive purchased the plumbing, set it up, but i dont use it.

I did a DIY filter post compressor, even though the one i have is electric it does take oil, and does have a tendancy to pick things up, so i used some filterfloss and carbon and in testing it works great, but it would probibly be better if I used a larger tank, so it wouldnt have to cycle as often, possibly one or more of those cheapo portable tire fixer dudads that you fill with a seperate compressor. also a controller that turned on when it needed it then filled it full, as we could work with a 75psi swing we dont need the constant pressure before a regulator.

I do have an O2 tank with outputs into my cultures, and growout and as of recently i have it pluged into my broadstock also, the output rate is fairly low, i know it does nice things to my cultures and growout but i dont see any advantage to the broadstock tanks, Ill probibly leave it as its more work to disconnect it than anything else.

another note about the paint style compressors VS blowers. even the cheapest blower (they do go down to the $150's ) are rated for continous duty, almost no paint style compressor is rated at even close.

the Schego M2K3 air pumps you use, how many outlets/sponge filters would they run. i am having trouble finding information on the products that i can buy in australia, and have tracked down a couple of suppliers for these pumps.


damer - A lot :D I just run open air releases (no airstones) and the pump will push about 20 of them no problem. Of course I'm talking a fairly low flow like in 10 gallon tanks. One Schego M2K3 is like 1-1/2 or 2 Lufts and they are less expensive. The one thing I do not know is which lasts longer, I have not yet had either fail in 3-4 years.
Whew, Glad to see I'm not the only person who'd considered a compressor to run his room.
I eventually passed on the idea as they're pretty loud (even though I could plumb it in the garage)actually really loud, prefiltering them is a PITA and contaminating the air in them is too easy (especially for the likes of me). IR makes some nice continuous run compressors, but they are industrial sized and cost about the same as my house, pass.
I did have a blower, THIS ONE ACTUALLY but it was over kill even for the 60 odd tank I had running and literally sound just like a jet firing up. (worth the price of admission just to have something that sounded so cool) Also, the effeciency in terms of hydro usage didn't warrant it's use. SO for now I'm using three Hagen Optima's and the occiasional orphan pump for smaller projects.
even the cheapest blower (they do go down to the $150's

Hey rsman

Where can i find it for that price??

I brough it up because of the prices I have seen around, not less than 369.


does your system use a pump to deliver to all those tanks or is it gravity fed?

also do you mix different species of fish/broodstock/juveniles in the system?

Right now that system has been taken apart for maintainence and we're looking at a possible gravity fed system as it is relatively low flow and a pressure pump wouldn't be necessary. I'll keep you updated as we get closer to re-assembly.
What is everyone's thoughts on incorporating UV or a calcium reactor on breeding setups?

Do you? Any recommendations on a UV unit?

kalk reactor is better than calc reactor

the UV is a solid go for it, it doesnt have the disadvantages on a breeding tank that it does have on a reef. its advantages are a little questionable, but generally its worth the investment
I run UV on all of my systems, period. And I change the bulbs regularily as well. Don't know if it helps, but it sure can't hurt.
Calcium reactor? Never heard of it when breeding marine fish.

UV helps a lot, the hatcheries I know all use them constantly. I use Rainbow Lifeguard, any unit will work.

I used to use natural seawater (crude) but now I use synthetic(false). I still sterilize though.

Thanks for the inputs. I'd always looked at a UV as a required addition...just haven't actually done it. I'll check out the Rainbow line.

Was only asking about a calcium reactor because I thought it might help with buffering and any pH swings.

I could see a reactor being a benificial addition if you have the cash for it. Might even help with the harder species.
ca reactors do kinda help ballance the pH but not as well as a good working kalk reactor (you still want the pH controller just backwards :D ), they do increase the CO2 which is well BAD!!
I know what it does, but I don't see how it will help brood stock, I think water changes keep the Ph stable enough. Don't think anybody will hook up that to a larval tank.

thanks Rsman

i didnt mean to explain how it works, but instead that it adds CO2 which is bad, and that a Kalk reactor is better.