Dont remove more than 1/3 of the chaeto at anyone time.
You say you're PO4 limited low....what level are you reading and what are you using to test PO4? Still using the Hanna PO4 Checker, or are you using something else?
I think I sold you the normal phosphate checker. You've got the ULR checker now? I've got some leftover reagent for that if you'd like it. I no longer have the ULR checker and PO4 meter uses a different reagent so I dont need this anymore. Found it today when looking for something else today.
I checked my PO4 and NO3 today.....0.00......not good.
Had been hovering right at 0.02 for both so I was happy.
Turned off the Fuge lights for tonight, ramped up the feedings and turned down the bio pellet reactor.....I've got KNO3 and PO4 supplements on hand if needed, but I want to try and raise it slowly and keep it stable.
Way to low for me in the nitrates. What is your target number?
I tested tonight and had less than 10 nitrates and. 02 po4. I fed a ton more to help lower trates a little bit lower.
My mag is at 1600. Haven't verified but not out of the question.
Calcium is 540. 3 different kits
Alk 8.4 2 different kits.
I have shut down my calcium reactor and will just dose alk for a week or so to bring down the other 2.
What are the adverse effects of having elevated ca and mg?
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I'm hoping to get time to test stronium again this week. The first test of it I went over on titration immediately. It was definitely user error but the test takes a good 20 to 30 minutes to do.
No way i'm spending that long on a test Pife, i struggle with the whole wait 3 mins thing let alone some 24 hour strontium marathon....... :hammer:
Please do regular strontium testing and post the results promptly, i will use your results and dose accordingly :beer:
Whao that sucks !
If you don't mind me asking:
What are you dosing?
What methods of exporting are you using?
Just an FYI , the first step of the salifert strontium kit measures your calcium , and then the next few steps measures your strontium. The calcium reading from the strontium kit , always reads falsely high compared to the normal calcium kit from Salifert.
I wonder if they fixed the kit because the calcium test in the stronium kit Measures the same as my other salifert test and red sea test.