Setting up a second reef tank....
Display Tank Size: 240Gal 60"Lx30"Hx30"W
Sump :250Gal 72"Lx48"Wx25"H with remote sandbed + 50 3' tall mangroves
Fuge: 75Gal
Frag Tank: 75Gal
Secondary Sump: 300Gal Rubbermaid Stock Tank filled with 1000lbs rock
Skimmer: Commercial Emperor Aquatics Dual Mazzei 96"H x 10"dia
Fluidized Bed Filter: Emperor Aquatics 96"H x 7"dia
Large Calcium Reactor
This tank is primarilly sps / clams and fish list includes:
Flame Angel
Rusty Angel ?
Bicolor Angel
Electric Blue Damsel (5) (females)
Orange Tail Blue Damsel (1) (male)
Blue Green Chromis (7) are unlikely to remain as a group, winnowing down to one or at most two over the long run
Black Percula Clownfish (pair)
Royal Gramma
Black Capped Basslet ?
Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang your tank may be large enough for a yellow and a purple, but they should be introduced together so one is not established and the other a "new comer"
Purple Tang
Sixline Wrasse They are aggressive
Bluehead Wrasse ?
Lunare Wrasse ?
Cleaner Wrasse African cleaners tend to work, the other ones tend to die
Copperband Butterflyfish? definitely NOT clam safe
What do you think on the fish? I always wanted an Emperor Angel, but I don't think the tank is big enough.
I keep an Emperor Angel in a 350 gallon tank BUT that tank is lightly stocked (various anthias, smaller fish, etc) with no algae eaters. But you are planning a LOT of fish, your tank is going to look very busy