PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Ok, tank is 55"x22"x22" using a 40 breeder as a sump with a reef octopus 200 with bubble blaster 3000 pump. Tank is brand new, and I want to determine how I am going to stock it before I start adding things at random. Will be FOWLR, but not looking to go too agressive with it.

I will start and let you critique:
1. aussie har tusk
2. humuhumu picasso trigger
3. dog face puffer
4. foxface
5. some sort of butterfly. Ideas on an easy one?
6. fireball angel
7. black cap basslet
8. kole tang

Thanks in advance!

Edit - I plan on adding over a 6 month - 1 year period as funds allow. It is not going to be a one shot thing...
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Ok, tank is 55"x22"x22" using a 40 breeder as a sump with a reef octopus 200 with bubble blaster 3000 pump. Tank is brand new, and I want to determine how I am going to stock it before I start adding things at random. Will be FOWLR, but not looking to go too agressive with it.

I will start and let you critique:
1. aussie har tusk
2. humuhumu picasso trigger
3. dog face puffer
4. foxface
5. some sort of butterfly. Ideas on an easy one?
6. fireball angel
7. black cap basslet
8. kole tang

I don't provide commentary on aggressive tanks, however a 115 gallon tank is not going to provide a peaceful home to the fish you are planning. So sorry.

Thanks in advance!

Edit - I plan on adding over a 6 month - 1 year period as funds allow. It is not going to be a one shot thing...
Hi Steve,

This maybe a little off topic, but..

I have been browsing the selection at liveaquaria, and notice there are many wrasse considered with caution for reef tanks, had my eye on Christmas or red line wrasse for a mixed reef as I have seen them in other reef tanks.

What are the risks for the reef from these fish, it notes they may protect some corals, but at the same time may eat feather dusters and tubeworms, is it these last 2 items that rank these fish as reef with caution? Not sure what the negatives would really be unless I guess I wanted to keep a feather duster reef or am I really missing the point?
Hi Steve,

This maybe a little off topic, but..

I have been browsing the selection at liveaquaria, and notice there are many wrasse considered with caution for reef tanks, had my eye on Christmas or red line wrasse for a mixed reef as I have seen them in other reef tanks.

What are the risks for the reef from these fish, it notes they may protect some corals, but at the same time may eat feather dusters and tubeworms, is it these last 2 items that rank these fish as reef with caution? Not sure what the negatives would really be unless I guess I wanted to keep a feather duster reef or am I really missing the point?

Your analysis is correct. Feather dusters, tube worms, in some cases shrimp are all at risk. There is no danger to corals that I am aware of, however, with wrasses. Angels, butterfly fish, etc, different story.
I have a yellow tail damsel, it is being aggressive to my newly added Talbot damsel... it's only been a day and a half, but I'm worried it won't stop. I have a 28 gallon tank. I'm trying to get a 10 gallon refugium set up soon, I will put the yellow tail in there if he is still bad. I'm just wondering if you think he will start behaving?
Hi steve.

I currently have a false orange percular clownfish.

Can I get another false percular but black/white in color? Will they get along?

I'm also interested to get the bangaii cardinal - can I keep a group (5) and will they school together or should I only keep a male + female.

I have a 90g tank.

I have a yellow tail damsel, it is being aggressive to my newly added Talbot damsel... it's only been a day and a half, but I'm worried it won't stop. I have a 28 gallon tank. I'm trying to get a 10 gallon refugium set up soon, I will put the yellow tail in there if he is still bad. I'm just wondering if you think he will start behaving?

Damsels are aggressive. Damsels in small tank can be very aggressive. I hope you are not cycling your tank with fish. No, it will I do not feel it will get better.
Hi steve.

I currently have a false orange percular clownfish.

Can I get another false percular but black/white in color? Will they get along?

Assuming that they have not sexually matured, they should. But be sure they are tiny

I'm also interested to get the bangaii cardinal - can I keep a group (5) and will they school together or should I only keep a male + female.

Only a male + female, the rest will be killed

I have a 90g tank.

No, luckily I found before cycling my tank with fish as the fish store suggested. And they thankfully have articles and FAQs all over the place that say it is unnecessary to cycle with fish (not to mention cruel). So, I will more than likely get rid of the yellow tail, do you think I could add any more of the talbot damsels? If so how many could I put in a 28 gallon. Thanks.
No, luckily I found before cycling my tank with fish as the fish store suggested. And they thankfully have articles and FAQs all over the place that say it is unnecessary to cycle with fish (not to mention cruel). So, I will more than likely get rid of the yellow tail, do you think I could add any more of the talbot damsels? If so how many could I put in a 28 gallon. Thanks.

These are probably the best of the damsels. Still, you have a small tank. IF those were the only fish, perhaps three.
I want to keep 2 percula clownfish, 1 talbot demoiselle, and a tailspot blenny in my jbj 28 gallon. Is this considered a good stocking scheme or too heavy?
I want to keep 2 percula clownfish, 1 talbot demoiselle, and a tailspot blenny in my jbj 28 gallon. Is this considered a good stocking scheme or too heavy?

You should be fine bioload wise. However, with three damsels (clowns are damsels) there may be aggression as the clownfish mature sexually.
Hi Steve,

I'm in the final planning stages for a new 60g cube SPS reef and would appreciate your advice on livestock. Been away from the hobby for about 12 years, but have had numerous tanks including an 125 gal mixed reef.

Anyway, the setup is to house primarily Montipora species. My tentative stocklist and additions that I'm contemplating for later addition are below.....

Initial stock list (in order of addition):
Tailspot Blenny - Escenius stigmatura
Rainfords Goby - Amblygobius rainfordi (tank raised)
Yasha goby w/ shrimp - Stonogobiops Yasha
Trimma gobies - Eviota pellucida and/or Trimma cana or the like
Pink streaked wrasse - Pseudocheilinops ataenia
Orchid Dotty - Pseudochromis fridmani (ORA bred) mellower?
Flameback Angel - Centropyge acanthops (some risk, I know)

Once these are in place, what else would make good additions?

I've been contemplating a centerpiece, such as C. burgessi or C. mitratus, but 60 gal is at the lower end of their needs I think.

Any ideas?
Hi Steve,

I'm in the final planning stages for a new 60g cube SPS reef and would appreciate your advice on livestock. Been away from the hobby for about 12 years, but have had numerous tanks including an 125 gal mixed reef.

Anyway, the setup is to house primarily Montipora species. My tentative stocklist and additions that I'm contemplating for later addition are below.....

Initial stock list (in order of addition):
Tailspot Blenny - Escenius stigmatura
Rainfords Goby - Amblygobius rainfordi (tank raised)
Yasha goby w/ shrimp - Stonogobiops Yasha
Trimma gobies - Eviota pellucida and/or Trimma cana or the like
Pink streaked wrasse - Pseudocheilinops ataenia A superb choice
Orchid Dotty - Pseudochromis fridmani (ORA bred) mellower? Well they are comparatively mellow as opposed to most other Pseudochromis, but I am reluctant to endorse this choice
Flameback Angel - Centropyge acanthops (some risk, I know)

Well . . . you are rolling the dice a bit, especially if you have any meaty LPS corals

Once these are in place, what else would make good additions?

I've been contemplating a centerpiece, such as C. burgessi or C. mitratus, but 60 gal is at the lower end of their needs I think.

While I am always reluctant to make recommendations, if it were me I would consider Liopropoma carmabi in your sized tank with its planned inhabitants.

Any ideas?
Hello Steve!

I am looking for help here and I know you don't like to make suggestions. Maybe you can help just a bit. :) I'll tell what I want for sure and then you can fill in around that?

I want two clowns, any type. I'll have LPS, and SPS, and I would LOVE a sea horse. And last, possibly a dwarf flame angle (this one could be risky with corals?)

Currently My tank is empty, so the rest is fair game! (standard 55 gallon)
Hello Steve!

I am looking for help here and I know you don't like to make suggestions. Maybe you can help just a bit. :) I'll tell what I want for sure and then you can fill in around that?

I want two clowns, any type. I'll have LPS, and SPS, and I would LOVE a sea horse.

Seahorse tanks are specialized (we have a forum where asking about this would be most productive) but generally, it is difficult to mix sea horses with clownfish.

And last, possibly a dwarf flame angle (this one could be risky with corals?)

Dwarf angels are not reef safe, especially with LPS.

Currently My tank is empty, so the rest is fair game! (standard 55 gallon)

As you know, I rarely if ever make recommendations although I will provide commentary on compatibility.
Okie Dokie, Would it be better to do a separate little tank for the seahorse?
and then have my main display tank as my community tank?

As for fish, I would love to have a tang/angel/some bigger main fish that swims alot, then get the rest of the fish based around that one. What is a bigger fish that would do well in a 55Gallon?
Okie Dokie, Would it be better to do a separate little tank for the seahorse?
and then have my main display tank as my community tank?

Absolutely. A seahorse and pipefish tank would be awesome.

As for fish, I would love to have a tang/angel/some bigger main fish that swims alot, then get the rest of the fish based around that one. What is a bigger fish that would do well in a 55Gallon?

Unfortunately, bigger fish require bigger tanks and a 55 gallon is not a large tank.
3 blue/green chromis
2 ocellaris clowns
1 lawnmower blenny
1 diamond watchman goby
1 dwarf flame angle
1 yellow tang
1 powder brown
1 green mandarin

These are my favorites. Would like to do as many as possible.

125g long.
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