thanks I think this is my final list. 75g w/20g sump/Refugium
added in order
Blue/Green Chromis
Occ Clown (False Perc)
Yellow Clown Goby
Lyretail anthias
Flame Wrasse Terminal male
Lineatus Wrasse Terminal male
Spotted Mandarin (once mature)*
Marginalis Butterflyfish (once mature 6 months +)**
Kole or similar small peaceful tang
Inverts: (not really a mixed reef just some easy corals might as well)
Leather Coral
Clove Coral
Hawaiian Feather Duster
Cleaner Shrimp
*I know an importer for the Marginalis Butterflyfish who gets these, which is great news, true no butterfly is not truely really reef safe but hopefully this one won't nip as I have heard they are generally fine for non stony reefs or non meaty corals
**Is it ok to have this and the mandarin? How much LR to sustain both do you think it would take?
thank you
added in order
Blue/Green Chromis
Occ Clown (False Perc)
Yellow Clown Goby
Lyretail anthias
Flame Wrasse Terminal male
Lineatus Wrasse Terminal male
Spotted Mandarin (once mature)*
Marginalis Butterflyfish (once mature 6 months +)**
Kole or similar small peaceful tang
Inverts: (not really a mixed reef just some easy corals might as well)
Leather Coral
Clove Coral
Hawaiian Feather Duster
Cleaner Shrimp
*I know an importer for the Marginalis Butterflyfish who gets these, which is great news, true no butterfly is not truely really reef safe but hopefully this one won't nip as I have heard they are generally fine for non stony reefs or non meaty corals
**Is it ok to have this and the mandarin? How much LR to sustain both do you think it would take?
thank you