PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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i am planning on putting together a 180g reef tank in the future. it will have 360lbs of live rock 180lbs of live sand a refuge and a skimmer also am thinking about a calcium reactor as well so i had some ideas of what id like to stock in it any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

well here goes the list:

1 hippo tang Really needs a 10 foot tank
1 naso tang Same
1 foxface
4 false perculas Only two clownfish per tank
4-5 purple queen anthias Expert level fish not recommended

would like to have if possible
1 lawnmower blenny
1 bicolor blenny
1 red lipped blenny

not sure if blennys and gobys mix but if they do

1 watchman goby or a manaderian goby will be stocking the fuge with pods and chateau

Mandarin requires a mature tank, wait about six months

would also love to try some soft corals suggestions here would be great

also would like to put some bubble tipped anemone in the tank as well

later on down the line possibly a sand-sifting starfish as well

Will starve long term

if possible a urchin as well but it may be a case of to many stinging cells animals in one tank

like i said any suggestion will be greatly appreciated as i am new to the saltwater world have kept african cichlids for about 6 years now so i have a general idea on how to buffer the water if needed
I have a 20 gallon saltwater tank, i have just gotten my ammonia to zero and the nitrate is almost at zero as well,
I have 10kg of live sand and 7kg of live rock, I have a waterflow pump which is creating alost of flow within the tank.
I was wanting to get 2x clown fish, 2x dartfish and really wanted to get blue tangs but realised my tank is too small, so i was thinking of getting 2x dwarf angles, are these fish good choices or am i getting too many fish for the size of my tank?
I have a 20 gallon saltwater tank, i have just gotten my ammonia to zero and the nitrate is almost at zero as well,
I have 10kg of live sand and 7kg of live rock, I have a waterflow pump which is creating alost of flow within the tank.
I was wanting to get 2x clown fish, 2x dartfish and really wanted to get blue tangs but realised my tank is too small, so i was thinking of getting 2x dwarf angles, are these fish good choices or am i getting too many fish for the size of my tank?

Six is too many fish for your sized tank. If you get clowns, you can ONLY have clowns because when they mature they will take over the tank. Tangs will not work, dwarf angels will not work because they graze and your tank is not large enough. Firefish or dartfish will work but not as pairs unless they are bonded. Shrimp goby combinations will work.

OK so what you're saying in the 2 tangs may not work in a tank this size do you have any other suggestions

OK ill forget about the sand sifting starfish

as far as the anthies what would you suggest in their place

and any ideas on good coral for beginners?

this tank is just a dream at the moment so i'm just bouncing around ideas to see what i should try to work with

once again thanks for your advice its very much appreciated
OK so what you're saying in the 2 tangs may not work in a tank this size do you have any other suggestions

OK ill forget about the sand sifting starfish

as far as the anthies what would you suggest in their place

Resplendent or carberryi

and any ideas on good coral for beginners?

this tank is just a dream at the moment so i'm just bouncing around ideas to see what i should try to work with

For ideas, general questions, or suggestions about fish, start your own thread in New to the Hobby. Once you get a stocking list, try back here. This thread is about fish compatibility with each other and the environment you are providing for them.

once again thanks for your advice its very much appreciated
What is the consensus of adding a pygmy hawkfish to a tank with a yellow watchman goby, firefish and an occelaris clown? I am upgrading tanks and I am looking into what other tankmates I would want to have. I do have a full-size cleaner shrimp and a full-size fire shrimp. Both shrimp are over 3" in length, so I dont know if anyone has had or heard of issues with the pygmy hawkfish going after full-sized shrimp.

I have softies and LPS with the intention of adding an anemone and a clam later on, so with that in mind, what other ideas would go along with what I already have? I like the little trimma gobies, but that may be an issue with the YWG or the pygmy hawkfish. Maybe a diamond goby would be a better idea, since I have a lot of sand in the tank but will a diamond goby get along with the YWG?
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What is the consensus of adding a pygmy hawkfish to a tank with a yellow watchman goby, firefish and an occelaris clown? I am upgrading tanks and I am looking into what other tankmates I would want to have. I do have a full-size cleaner shrimp and a full-size fire shrimp. Both shrimp are over 3" in length, so I dont know if anyone has had or heard of issues with the pygmy hawkfish going after full-sized shrimp.

I have softies and LPS with the intention of adding an anemone and a clam later on, so with that in mind, what other ideas would go along with what I already have? I like the little trimma gobies, but that may be an issue with the YWG or the pygmy hawkfish. Maybe a diamond goby would be a better idea, since I have a lot of sand in the tank but will a diamond goby get along with the YWG?

Please provide details of tank including age and size.
Please provide details of tank including age and size.

It's a 60G tank that is an upgrade from the 28G I originally had. Everything from the 28G is going into the 60G, including about 30 pounds of live rock in addition to the 35 pounds that were in the 28G. It is a brand new upgrade, but the 28G was established for about 5 months. I had a great pod population in the 28G and the 60G has a 35 gallon sump/fuge that I hope will be a massive pod factory for me.
What is the consensus of adding a pygmy hawkfish to a tank with a yellow watchman goby, firefish and an occelaris clown?

This thread will not provide consensus, just my opinions. If you want a vote, start a separate thread in Reef Fish. Fish compatibility wise, you should be fine

I am upgrading tanks and I am looking into what other tankmates I would want to have. I do have a full-size cleaner shrimp and a full-size fire shrimp. Both shrimp are over 3" in length, so I dont know if anyone has had or heard of issues with the pygmy hawkfish going after full-sized shrimp.

Plectreanthias inermis is very shy and stays hidden. They are rather aggressive towards each other and eat all which fits in their mouth. Especially all shrimps as that seems the be the main part of their diet. Mine preferred all kind of shrimp like food (mysis, krill) before they took brine.

I have softies and LPS with the intention of adding an anemone and a clam later on, so with that in mind, what other ideas would go along with what I already have? I like the little trimma gobies, but that may be an issue with the YWG or the pygmy hawkfish.

If it fits in the mouth of a pygmy hawkfish, it will be at risk

Maybe a diamond goby would be a better idea, since I have a lot of sand in the tank but will a diamond goby get along with the YWG?

In your sized tank, it may be ok.
Hello I am looking for for a new fish for my 14G Biocube. I have right now one clown, a yellow spoted goby, and a coral banded shrimp. As of right now I only have two soft corals but I am working on a LED set up so I can try to keep SPS. I want a fish that will swim around the tank and has some color but I really dont know what I can get. I know that another clown will most likly fight my courent clown and another goby will fight my courent goby. Could you give me some Ideas because I just dont know.

Thank you
Hello I am looking for for a new fish for my 14G Biocube. I have right now one clown, a yellow spoted goby, and a coral banded shrimp. As of right now I only have two soft corals but I am working on a LED set up so I can try to keep SPS. I want a fish that will swim around the tank and has some color but I really dont know what I can get. I know that another clown will most likly fight my courent clown and another goby will fight my courent goby. Could you give me some Ideas because I just dont know.

Thank you

Coral banded shrimp can take fish. It is impossible for me to recommend fish as our tastes may not be the same and you have a very small tank. It may not be possible to add another fish. Your clown will become female and will then become aggressive
Help with reef tank

Help with reef tank

Ok so i have a 75 gallon tank with a refugium 30 gallon , 6x t5 lights its a tek fixture, 750 and 550 gph koalia powerheads, 90 pounds of live rock, 2 inches of live sand, and a heater. Oh and a protein skimmer its an octopus.

For coral i want, green star polyp, sunflower zoos, hammer coral, frogspawn, sun coral, bubble tip anemone, leather toadstool and maybe more down the line.

For fish I wanted, 2 nemos, mystery wrasse, kole tang, mandarin dragonet, indigo dottyback, golden headed sleeper goby, coral beauty dwarf angelfish, and here is the main thing, i want to get either a Fiji Blue Dot Toby Puffer, or a saddle valentini puffer fish but I want to keep cleaner shrimp; so will that be a problem I don't think so because I have seen cleaner shrimp go in moray eels mouths and clean but, will they eat any corals, nip at fish or eat my cleaner shrimp.
Ok so i have a 75 gallon tank with a refugium 30 gallon , 6x t5 lights its a tek fixture, 750 and 550 gph koalia powerheads, 90 pounds of live rock, 2 inches of live sand, and a heater. Oh and a protein skimmer its an octopus.

For coral i want, green star polyp, sunflower zoos, hammer coral, frogspawn, sun coral, bubble tip anemone, leather toadstool and maybe more down the line.

Although this is not a coral thread, green star polyps are really a pest, and if you have soft coral and other corals you will need a way of neutralizing the chemical warfare.

For fish I wanted, 2 nemos,

Please do not call A. occelaris "nemos".

mystery wrasse, kole tang, mandarin dragonet

mature tank with refugium gives the best chance at success

, indigo dottyback,

dottybacks are very aggressive

golden headed sleeper goby,

usually depletes sand bed then starves

coral beauty dwarf angelfish, and here is the main thing, i want to get either a Fiji Blue Dot Toby Puffer, or a saddle valentini puffer fish but I want to keep cleaner shrimp; so will that be a problem I don't think so because I have seen cleaner shrimp go in moray eels mouths and clean but, will they eat any corals, nip at fish or eat my cleaner shrimp.

Actually all of the above. It may be aggressive at times, nipping the fins of tank mates, leaving a circular hole as its mark. Its teeth are actually a fused beak-like structure. It will eat invertebrates found in a reef tank.

Yes, shrimp will be on the diet of those two fish as well, perhaps of the mystery wrasse
28 jbj AIO, no fuge, running PFO and purigen with filter floss. 20-25 pounds base rock seeded with 5 pounds live rock, 2-3 island formation. Eshopps 75 HOB skimmer.

Pair O. black clownfish
goby of some kind
mandarin (after seeding with pods for atleast 6 months to a year)
Bumble bee shrimp
harlequin shrimp

My biggest concern is how aggressive a mated pair of clowns can become. Because of this I have limited my other fish options to bottom dwellers only, however if this is still not a viable option I am more than willing to either not get a pair, or make it a clown only stocking.


28 jbj AIO, no fuge, running PFO and purigen with filter floss. 20-25 pounds base rock seeded with 5 pounds live rock, 2-3 island formation. Eshopps 75 HOB skimmer.

Pair O. black clownfish
goby of some kind
mandarin (after seeding with pods for atleast 6 months to a year)
Bumble bee shrimp
harlequin shrimp

My biggest concern is how aggressive a mated pair of clowns can become. Because of this I have limited my other fish options to bottom dwellers only, however if this is still not a viable option I am more than willing to either not get a pair, or make it a clown only stocking.



You are right to be concerned. A mated pair will be very aggressive, even the least aggressive species. A single clown will turn female and may still be an issue with some other fisy. A mandarin will only survive if you are spot feeding multiple times per day. Most people are unwilling to do that much work. I would stick with the clowns and a shrimp goby pair, perhaps.
So my tank setup is as follows: 55g DT with a ~7gal fuge (converted wet/dry) with DSB, and 10g sump. I have a Reef Octopus 150NWB, two Powerheads - 1250gph, 500gph, plus return - and I have 4xT5 lights. 20+ lbs live rock, 40+ base (soon to be live) rock, and 30lbs LS.

I intend to keep my rockwork more on the "open" side and only fill it in with Corals when my water stabilizes. I've had the system running for about 6 weeks.

Intended fish list to be added in this order:

Two Ocellaris Clowns (added 2 weeks ago)
Royal Gramma OR Bicolor Dottyback OR Orchid/Purple Dottyback
Kauderns Cardinal
BiColor Blenny
Blue Gudgeon Dartfish (how readily available are these?)
Flame Angel
Green Mandarin (with time)

My concerns are keeping the Mandarin, and making sure the pod population isn't being eaten by anyone else. Also about how reef safe the Flame Angel would be - I've heard they're hit or miss... Is a Coral Beauty a better alternative?

setting up 150gl 36x36 w/ sump, skimmer... looking at getting chromis to cycle ... not sure how many though? any thoughts on amount of chromis for 150gl to start cycle?
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