in the next month or so i will have my 150g mixed reef (very few if any SPS) tank with 30g sump up & running along with a separate 20g tall. everything from my current 55g, 30g tank (to be made into the sump), & fish from my quarantine/kenya tree forrest, lol (i know if i ever have to medicate they will be gone, but no big loss) will be transfered over. about 200lb of live rock and about 100lb of live sand.
so i have 2 setups and lists with the ability to kind of move things around.
current fish in quarantine:
1 pair of ORA Spotcinctus (A. bicinctus) - I do believe they are a mated pair as they were purchased at the LFS as the only two ordered in, were maybe 1" at time of purchase, have been in the same quarantine together for almost 6 months, and are showing what looks to me like mating behavior? I don't know for sure as i have never before had a pair of clowns until these two.
Most likely a bonded pair. Bonding behavior precedes mating. Looks like a shimmy which is submission behavior prior to bonding
current fish in 30g:
1 sixline wrasse
1 very large 4-stripe damsel (he's going to be a sump/refugium fish since i had to remove him from the 55g because of aggression issues)
contents of 55g:
1 ORA Ocellaris (been alone for over 7 years)
1 gold spotted rabbitfish
1 sailfin tang (these two are best buds & race eachother back & forth)
1 McCoskers Flasher Wrasse
1 Engineer Goby/Convict Blenny (guess it depends who you ask)
In the 150g i would like to put:
1 pair of ORA Spotcinctus
1 convict blenny
1 gold spotted rabbitfish
1 sailfin tang
1 mccokers flasher wrasse
things I would like to add:
my 1 sixline wrasse (not sure if he would get along with the mccoskers wrasse? introduced to the tank later?)
No. sixlines do not tolerate fairy or flasher wrasses
3 Royal Gramma (I've heard that they get along in multiples in a big enough tank, also not sure how they would do with the wrasses)
Should be no issue with your flasher
2 of these tangs (been looking at orange shoulder, naso, & atlantic blue)
Your tank is not large enough for any Naso species
the Ocellaris will be a resident of the 20g and if need be maybe 1 of the wrasses.