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125 gallons is the suggested minimum for a group of anthias. I would stick to only one species of anthias and would skip the chromis
125 gallons is the suggested minimum for a group of anthias. I would stick to only one species of anthias and would skip the chromis
Current Tank is a 55 Gallon Mixed Reef set up for 6 months- Upgrading to a 4ft 120 Mixed reef
Current Fish/Inverts:
True Perc Clown - Mate died
Royal Gramma
Diamond Goby
Algae Blenny
Purple Firefish
Cleaner and Fire Shrimp
Would like to get:
Another Clown
Yellow Tang
Kole Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
Midas Blenny
Mandarin - A few months after tank transfer to determine pod population
Blue/Green Chromis
Looking to increase my active swimmers, currently the only fish that really "swims" around in the clown.
Have SRO 3000SSS Skimmer rated for 300 Gallons.
Thanks a bunch!
Standard 55g with two perc clowns and two firefish (one purple, one normal)
will eventually be a reef tank.
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby
Orange Stripe Prawn Goby
Zebra Barred Dartfish (x3)
Jawfish, Yellowhead (Opistognathus aurifrons)
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse
Chalk Bass
Gold Assessor Basslet
Royal Gramma Basslet
Flame Angelfish
Golden Angelfish
So scratching the golden angle. how many more would i have to take out for the tank to be good?
so.... i want to start adding corals to my tank eventually. i have a pencil urchin that i would like to move to my fuge. anything i can do to ensure that he will be healthy there?
He should be fine as long as he does block a return
i also have a valentini puffer and coral beauty. neither are agressive towards any other fish or inverts. they also leave my purple mushrooms alone. i know this is hard to guess at, but - could i be safe with leaving them in a reef tank? i know it's really subjective to the actual livestock, etc etc, but i'm looking for best guesses. thanks.
My best guess would be that they will not be reef safe for LPS meaty corals and related.
i have always heard that you want to add a flame last.
I have a 300g (96x24x31) with a 75g sump and 55g fuge which I transfered contents of my previous 110g and 120g. I have nearly 300lbs of LR and have transfered the following fish:
1 coral beauty (excellent reef fish, have had him for 4 years)
2 spotted cardinal fish (not crazy about them personally, but I have had then for many years and they have been real troopers)
1 ocellaris clown
1 red elongated dottyback (stays in rocks mostly until feeding time, excellent, hardy fish, beautiful colors)
1 blue damselfish (I know they can be awful, but I have had this one for 6+ years and he has been a good community member)
What I would like to have, though I can probably not have them all........would like constructive reasoning to narrow my list a bit or alternatives to my list. I am not crazy about having tangs that take up 1/4 of the tank. I would rather have numerous smaller fish personally. Though my man really wants a yellow belly regal tang.
Here's my working list (in addition to my fish above):
flame angel given an established dwarf angel, there will be chasing but if you add after lights out that should subside over a couple of days
mystery wrasse can be tough on shrimp and similar wrasses
yellow watchman goby and shrimp pair
midas blenny
2 firefish (nemateleotris magnifica) (how do you know male from female?) I wish I knew. I always try to pick two that are hanging out together but my hit ratio is about 50%
yellow belly hippo tang can be a very aggressive fish once mature; I do not recommend
schooling bannerfish x 3 (henichus diphreutes)
resplendent anthias (7-9?)
red mandarin (after a year or so)
yellow tang x 3 well, it may work, but these would have to be added concurrently and last
white tail bristletooth tang or two spot bristletooth tang
orange spotted blenny (blenniella chrysospilos)
achilles tang and/or mimic lemon peel tang Achilles need long tanks with lots of flow but an 8 foot tank should work with good flow
magnificant foxface
any input will be greatly appreciated as well as suggestions as to what order to add these fish.
I really need help deciding which order to add them. I was thinking I should add the flame angel sooner than later before the coral beauty gets to settled into the new tank. This tank will be a mixed reef tank with inverts.
If you plan on shrimp, I would avoid the mystery wrasse; remember that dwarf angels are not safe with meaty LPS corals. Your plan sounds a bit busy with largish fish with possible aggression among tangs.
I can certainly forfeit the yellow belly hippo; is the regular blue hippo just as aggressive?
Once mature, yes.
I really had my eyes set on the mystery wrasse. I may just omit any shrimp, I will have to think about it.
As far as the anthias go, is 7 or 9 too many?
I have 10 in my 240 gallon and it does not look too busy
I am aware of the risks with dwarf angels, I know it is hit and miss, I personally have had good luck with the coral beauty and flame.
I will add the yellow tangs together as juvenilles, last.
I am skeptical about the achilles tang, but have always wanted one. I have 2MP60s and flow is provided by a reeflo barracuda through 4 returns. Should this be enough?
Tank will be 90 gallons with pretty high turnover, Lps/Sps dominant with some palys/zoas. Heavy filtration with 90-100 lbs of live rock.
Red mandarin (After 7 months minimum)
2 true percula clowns
Starry blenny
3 Schooling bannerfish
Zebra Moray Eel (I know that these will eat crustaceans, so most of the shrimp and crabs are optional. I have heard reports of them not attacking crustaceans so I am looking for as many opinions as possible.) unpredictable with regards to crustaceans; I personally would never keep one in a 90 gallon tank
Leopard wrasse (not until I have more experience)
Long spined urchin
3 porcelain anemone crabs
2 skunk cleaner shrimp
4 sexy anemone shrimp
5 pom pom crabs
2 fighting conch
various snails
Also is there any order to add that would work better?
Thanks, Charlie
"Originally Posted by hajas
I have a 220 gallon tank (6' long and 2' wide) with approximately 255 lbs of LR and approximately a 2" sand bed. I am thinking about the following stocking list:
Coral Beauty Angel
Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish Pair
Firefish Pair
Diamond Watchman Goby
Algae Blenny
Schooling Bannerfish Pair
Mandarin after about 8 months
Powder Blue or Powder Brown Tang
Yellow Tang
Potential Additions:
Spotbreast Angel
Ignitus Anthina Pair
Yellow Candy Hogfish will be a problem with shrimp
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse Trio
Longfin Fairy Wrasse Trio
No obvious incosistencies although the tank will be pretty full if you do everything
I also plan on including several shrimp, snails and smaller crabs. I am thinking the tank will include soft corals and potentially an anemone or two. I would appreciate feedback and things to think about as I move forward with adding livestock. This is sort of a wish list, so I am expecting to have to make some choices between these options. Currently all I have is a small CUC consisting of snails and a few small hermit crabs. Thanks. "
Which of these would be the best to start with? I wanted to start with the clowns, but looking like it might be a little while until my LFS gets them in.