After a 5 year hiatus from our reef tank (caused by a mid-winter 2 week power failure…..gotta love New England) the family has ocnvinced me to restart our tank (with a generator, this time!)
I have a whole house generator because of our unpredictable electrical company
The 90 gallon tank will have live rock and sand and overflow to a basement skimmer, 10 gallon refugium with cheato and an additional 20 gallon sump. MAin tank will turn over 6-7x through the sump and total flow will be 30 x via Vortech Mp20 head. Lighting is 2 x 250 watt, 10,000 K metal halide bulbs.
I will be bringing in polyps and soft corals but probably no SPS corals, at least for a while and only if I add a calcium reactor in the future. The kids are set on at the following fish eventually, but I'm wondering about compatability and order of addition:
1. Foxface rabbitfish (family favorite…must have)
2. Ignitus anthias
3. Orchid dottyback (might be too aggressive…..any more placid suggestion with similar size/coloring for my purple-loving daughter? MAybe Royal gramma basslett?) royal gramma is better with a flasher wrasse in the tank
4. Sumatran clownfish (if too territorial for this mix, any more docile clownfish?? Amphiprion percula or A. ocellaris would be better
5. Schooling bannerfish
6. Spotted cardinalfish
7. CArpenter's flasher wrasse Must have a cover with 1/4 inch holes
Especially, this is a pretty passive tank…..with the clown mix ?
Well . . . sexually mature clowns want to control about 20-25 gallons of tank space, and that is for the least aggressive ones but everyone else should be fine