PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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My tank is still in the planning/setup stages, but want to start thinking about fish.

Tank is 95g 36 X 24 X 24. I plan on mixed reef with mainly LPS and softs. about 2" of medium course sand.

1 Percula Clownfish
1 Purple Firefish
2 Gold Assessor Basslets I doubt that two will work
2 or 3 Carpenter's Flasher Wrasses (I know they're jumpers)
1 Catalina Goby requires cooler water than the vast majority of people keep their tanks
1 Orange Stripe Prawn Goby

And when tank is at least 6 months cycled and stable, a Red Mandarin Dragonet.

Now the contraversial ones:
1 Flame Angel, I know they are a risk in a reef, but I had one in my reef that I had over ten years ago, and it was no problem.

It is a roll of the dice with LPS. Your choice, I would not

I would love a Yellow Tang, but not sure if tank provides enough space. gallonage is ok, sort of. But they are aggressive so it MUST be the last fish added


Thanks, you saved me (and especially the fish) a lot of grief. I will probably take your advice and pass on the angel and consider myself lucky with the last tank.
Probably the Tang, too- marginal size and could disrupt the peace of the community.

Definitrly taking the other advice.
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I have a 29 gallon tank. 35lbs of live rock, 40lbs of live sand, 2-75gph powerheads, 100w heater. Lighting is Coralife 100w T5's one daylight and the other blue on an 8 hour timer. Currently there have been some hitchhikers several starfish and feather dusters. I would like to house:

2 Clowns havent decided which type
1 Watchman goby
1 of whatever shrimp buddies up with the goby.

I would also like to add easier to grow corals as I learn how to keep them. Currently I'm on my second week of cycle and it sucks waiting. Thinking about starting up a qt tank just for something else to focus on. Any Do's or Don'ts that I should be aware of?
Thanks JMFC:reading:
i have a 125 gallon with 30 g fuge. protein skimmer in fuge. gl*******s 1500gph overflow with 2, 3/4 inch returns with flared nozzle. plan on a mixed reef softies shrooms some lps. plan on a 3" sand bed with 100# of dry rock and 15# live rock.

fish i like

dwarf angels

also like the little critters like snails.

sorry if its to vague i'm looking for recomendations so i know what direction before i go all in.

thanks, mike
I have a 29 gallon tank. 35lbs of live rock, 40lbs of live sand, 2-75gph powerheads, 100w heater. Lighting is Coralife 100w T5's one daylight and the other blue on an 8 hour timer. Currently there have been some hitchhikers several starfish and feather dusters. I would like to house:

2 Clowns havent decided which type
1 Watchman goby
1 of whatever shrimp buddies up with the goby.

I would also like to add easier to grow corals as I learn how to keep them. Currently I'm on my second week of cycle and it sucks waiting. Thinking about starting up a qt tank just for something else to focus on. Any Do's or Don'ts that I should be aware of?
Thanks JMFC:reading:

I think your stock list is fine but be careful about clown type as some are super aggressive once sexually mature. There are a lot of stickies about quarantine and related but I won't repeat that information here.
i have a 125 gallon with 30 g fuge. protein skimmer in fuge. gl*******s 1500gph overflow with 2, 3/4 inch returns with flared nozzle. plan on a mixed reef softies shrooms some lps. plan on a 3" sand bed with 100# of dry rock and 15# live rock.

fish i like

dwarf angels

also like the little critters like snails.

sorry if its to vague i'm looking for recomendations so i know what direction before i go all in.

thanks, mike

Sorry Mike, I never provide recommendations but would be happy to provide commentary on any stocking list provided.
Not sure what to get...

Not sure what to get...

I've had a small fish only salt water tank for almost 4 years; about 2 years ago I decided I wanted to go reef, so as my original fish started to die off (natural causes, I assure you) I didn't replace them. The only fish I have left are two engineer gobies of large size, approximately 12 inches each, and a scooter dragonet. The interesting thing is that my engineers ate some chromis I added to the tank not too long ago, but they don't bother my dragonet. I know the engineers are too large for my tank (I got them as cute little babies) but I can't completely dismantle my 75lbs of live rock, which I set up specifically so they can't destroy my tank, without almost completely starting over. Any ideas or thoughts of what might be compatible?
I've had a small fish only salt water tank for almost 4 years; about 2 years ago I decided I wanted to go reef, so as my original fish started to die off (natural causes, I assure you) I didn't replace them. The only fish I have left are two engineer gobies of large size, approximately 12 inches each, and a scooter dragonet. The interesting thing is that my engineers ate some chromis I added to the tank not too long ago, but they don't bother my dragonet. I know the engineers are too large for my tank (I got them as cute little babies) but I can't completely dismantle my 75lbs of live rock, which I set up specifically so they can't destroy my tank, without almost completely starting over. Any ideas or thoughts of what might be compatible?

Tough call as these get to be 12 inches at maturity, but yours may still be growing, and they are carnivores. I would take them out. I really don't know what to put with them especially in a smallish tank.
Tough call as these get to be 12 inches at maturity, but yours may still be growing, and they are carnivores. I would take them out. I really don't know what to put with them especially in a smallish tank.
Yuck. That's how big they are now. I'll see what I can do. Thanks!
Steve did you reply to this post?

Hi I would like to get your feedback on a stocking list for a 90g that is currently cycling. It will become mixed reef of sps, lps, etc.

CUC mostly snails and a few scarlet red hermits
2 blood red fire shrimp
2 Purple and Yellow Nudibranch

Fish list
1 Picasso Clownfish (Amphiprion percula)
1 Snowflake Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
1 Bicolor Blenny (Ecsenius bicolor)
1 Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lyukyuensis)
1 African Exquisite Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus exquisitus)
1 Blue Mandarin (Pterosynchiropus splendidus) (after 9 months)

Most of the information I've read say all of these fish are reef safe. Are they really and will I have any compatiblity issues?

Which Flasher Wrasse?

Which Flasher Wrasse?

I'm currently cycling a new tank a 29g cube which will be FOWLR, finally upgrading my old acrylic hex tank. The only livestock I still have is my Yellow Watchman Goby. Once the tank is cycled I will be adding one fish about every two months, maxing out at 4 or 5.

I prefer peaceful community fish and I have been wanting to get a Flasher Wrasse for a while. It seems there are so many and they are so similar. Based on what is available at my local LFS (2 or 3 that I use) I am trying to decide between:

Blue Flasher
Line Spot Flasher
Filamented Flasher

No one locally is currently stocking the Carpenter's Flasher or McCosker's Flasher, but I will certainly consider those if available.

I would like to know your thoughts on all of them. I'm aware that they have a high metabolism and need to be feed frequently and also tht they are jumpers (my tank is completely covered).

I'm looking for a peaceful but active fish that has personality and will get along with future additions, which will all be non-agressive community fish.

Which do you think is the best, and perhaps hardiest?

Steve did you reply to this post?

Sometimes when the pages change, I get confused when multiple people ask at the same time. So, sadly I may have missed it. So sorry.

Hi I would like to get your feedback on a stocking list for a 90g that is currently cycling. It will become mixed reef of sps, lps, etc.

CUC mostly snails and a few scarlet red hermits
2 blood red fire shrimp
2 Purple and Yellow Nudibranch

Nudibranchs are obligate feeders on one very specific item; when that runs out they die. With rare exceptions, they should not be attempted. By the way, there are hundreds of nudibranch species so "purple and yellow" fits many

Fish list
1 Picasso Clownfish (Amphiprion percula)
1 Snowflake Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
1 Bicolor Blenny (Ecsenius bicolor)
1 Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lyukyuensis)
1 African Exquisite Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus exquisitus)
1 Blue Mandarin (Pterosynchiropus splendidus) (after 9 months)

Most of the information I've read say all of these fish are reef safe. Are they really and will I have any compatiblity issues?

Yes, they are reef compatible and no issues.

I'm currently cycling a new tank a 29g cube which will be FOWLR, finally upgrading my old acrylic hex tank. The only livestock I still have is my Yellow Watchman Goby. Once the tank is cycled I will be adding one fish about every two months, maxing out at 4 or 5.

I prefer peaceful community fish and I have been wanting to get a Flasher Wrasse for a while. It seems there are so many and they are so similar. Based on what is available at my local LFS (2 or 3 that I use) I am trying to decide between:

Blue Flasher
Line Spot Flasher
Filamented Flasher

Flasher wrasses really require and minimum of a 50 gallon tank and for multiple ones, even larger.

No one locally is currently stocking the Carpenter's Flasher or McCosker's Flasher, but I will certainly consider those if available.

I would like to know your thoughts on all of them. I'm aware that they have a high metabolism and need to be feed frequently and also tht they are jumpers (my tank is completely covered).

I'm looking for a peaceful but active fish that has personality and will get along with future additions, which will all be non-agressive community fish.

Which do you think is the best, and perhaps hardiest?

More than a purchase this is a merged and I wanted to check my options. I'm combining 2 large tanks into a 300g DD and I have a few dilemmas:
- I have a yellow tang and a hippo tang in each tang, this means I would have 2 of each in a 300g, possible? or should I come up with another solution?
- I also have 2 pairs of clowns, one on each tank. One pair of ocellaris and one pair of clarkii. Both pairs are constantly laying eggs; I know breeding pairs are very territorial, specially the clarkii. Would a 300g give enough room in the tank for the two pairs to have their own "territory"?

More than a purchase this is a merged and I wanted to check my options. I'm combining 2 large tanks into a 300g DD and I have a few dilemmas:
- I have a yellow tang and a hippo tang in each tang, this means I would have 2 of each in a 300g, possible? or should I come up with another solution?

That will not work, possible but unlikely would be two yellows added concurrently to the new tank

- I also have 2 pairs of clowns, one on each tank. One pair of ocellaris and one pair of clarkii. Both pairs are constantly laying eggs; I know breeding pairs are very territorial, specially the clarkii. Would a 300g give enough room in the tank for the two pairs to have their own "territory"?

Absolutely not. Not even in a 500g

Are you saying maybe the 2 yellows and one hippo? or just the 2 yellows at the same time (and I guess that's still a maybe)?

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