I have a 65g FOWLR tank and need some suggestions please! I intend for it to be a peaceful community tank.
Current Fish list:
- Ocellaris Clown
- Pearly Jawfish
I am interested in a Diamond Watchman Goby, Algae or Starry Blenny, Firefish ( Red or Purple ) a Wrasse of some sort, a cardinal fish and finally a Coral Beauty.
Any of those would work. Flasher wrasse would be great (or a M + F pair)
I understand the cardinals may only do well in schools so should I rule one out? Would all these fish be compatible?
Cardinals don't really school and a pair or single would work
Right now I also have a Skunk Cleaner, about 4 dwarf blue legged hermits and some snails. Would a Six Line wrasse be ok in the tank?
six lines are very aggressive and would preclude other choices later on
Any suggestions on a nice wrasse? I really want a colorful fish that really takes advantage of the whole water column.