PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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No issues.

Great, thanks a lot. One last question then: I would like to get a mandarin dragonet once I re-establish everything and my 'fuge turns into the pod factory I am hoping it will be. Any problems with the Firefish, Occelaris clown, YW goby, diamond goby and fire shrimp being together with the Mandarin?
Great, thanks a lot. One last question then: I would like to get a mandarin dragonet once I re-establish everything and my 'fuge turns into the pod factory I am hoping it will be. Any problems with the Firefish, Occelaris clown, YW goby, diamond goby and fire shrimp being together with the Mandarin?

No. If you have sufficient copepods, there will be no problem.
I just got my 215 gallon tank cycled and I am going to move my current occupants of my BC 8 into it. And I was going to start up my QT and get a few more fish in there so I can move them in six weeks.

My current occupants are
Occelaris Clownfih
Green Clown Goby

My Proposed Stocking List
Black Axil Chromis
Lawn Mower Blenny
Royal Gramma
Yellow Tang
Gold Assesor Basslet
Fairy Wrasse (Hooded or McCoskers)
Red Mandarin (mated pair - after the tank has matured for atleast 6 months)
Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus)
Achilles Tang or Chevron Tang (not sure which I want to have in the end)
4 Anthias (I am not sure what kind I would be getting)

Do you see any issues with this list?

I was thinking of getting the yellow tang and the royal gramma next, do you think this would be a problem or should I do a different pair of fish?

My QT is going to be a 55 gallon tank with a HOB filter and some PVC for hiding places.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
I just got my 215 gallon tank cycled and I am going to move my current occupants of my BC 8 into it. And I was going to start up my QT and get a few more fish in there so I can move them in six weeks.

My current occupants are
Occelaris Clownfih
Green Clown Goby

My Proposed Stocking List
Black Axil Chromis sometimes difficult to find, perhaps LA?
Lawn Mower Blenny
Royal Gramma
Yellow Tang
Gold Assesor Basslet
Fairy Wrasse (Hooded or McCoskers) Hooded is a fairy wrasse, McCoskers is a flasher. Both are excellent
Red Mandarin (mated pair - after the tank has matured for atleast 6 months)

It is very difficult to find females; I have a mated pair, but I acquired them separately.

Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus)
Achilles Tang or Chevron Tang (not sure which I want to have in the end)

I love Chevrons. Achilles are gorgeous but much more difficult

4 Anthias (I am not sure what kind I would be getting)

I recommend resplendent or carberryi

Do you see any issues with this list?

No problems

I was thinking of getting the yellow tang and the royal gramma next, do you think this would be a problem or should I do a different pair of fish?

Given the nature of tangs, I prefer them to be added last.

My QT is going to be a 55 gallon tank with a HOB filter and some PVC for hiding places.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

No, looks good. You might read my blog on quarantine
No, looks good. You might read my blog on quarantine

Will do. I have read the sticky on QT but I definitely could use a refresher before I set it up.

Do you have an suggestions on what I should get first? Or just anything but the tangs? I am looking to get a swimmer...the goby hides all the time and the clownfish does not stray far from the frogspawn (where he is hosted).

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Will do. I have read the sticky on QT but I definitely could use a refresher before I set it up.

Do you have an suggestions on what I should get first? Or just anything but the tangs? I am looking to get a swimmer...the goby hides all the time and the clownfish does not stray far from the frogspawn (where he is hosted).

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Any fish but the tang
Originally Posted by rogermccray
Will do. I have read the sticky on QT but I definitely could use a refresher before I set it up.

Do you have an suggestions on what I should get first? Or just anything but the tangs? I am looking to get a swimmer...the goby hides all the time and the clownfish does not stray far from the frogspawn (where he is hosted).

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Any fish but the tang

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Tank: 150g fish only with 40g sump. Filtration: open system with a wet-dry bio reactor and protein skimmer, powered by Little Giant Mag pump; plus a closed system with mechanical filtration and UV sterilizer, powered by Reeflo Blowhole pump. Tank has an artificial coral reef insert with lots of caves/hiding spaces. No algae yet, but it will no doubt arrive soon.

Fish Wish List:
2 Ocellaris clownfish (added to tank 3 weeks ago)
Chromis viridis (Blue/Green Chromis)
Chromis cyaneus (Blue Reef Chromis)
Neocirrhitus armatus (Flame Hawkfish)
Pterapogon kauderni (Banggai Cardinal)
A peaceful wrasse (not sure which"¦will pick the one I like best from what is available at my LFS when the time comes)
Chaetodon rafflesi (Latticed Butterflyfish)
2 Genicanthus melanospilos (Spotbreast Angels"¦M/F pair)
Ctenochaetus truncatus (Spotted Bristletooth Tang)
Centropyge bispinosa (Coral Beauty)
?? Centropyge loriculus (Flame Angel)"¦I might ultimately decide to omit this one and play it safe.

Would also love to add a green mandarin, if I can ever figure out a way for my tank to support copepods, but I doubt that's in the cards.

Will be QT'ing all fish and plan to add one new fish every 2-3 months. The fish are listed above in the order I plan to add them to the tank.

Thanks in advance for any comments!
Tank: 150g fish only with 40g sump. Filtration: open system with a wet-dry bio reactor and protein skimmer, powered by Little Giant Mag pump; plus a closed system with mechanical filtration and UV sterilizer,

UV is an excellent water clarifier but will have no impact on parasites

powered by Reeflo Blowhole pump. Tank has an artificial coral reef insert with lots of caves/hiding spaces. No algae yet, but it will no doubt arrive soon.

Fish Wish List:
2 Ocellaris clownfish (added to tank 3 weeks ago)
Chromis viridis (Blue/Green Chromis)
Chromis cyaneus (Blue Reef Chromis)
Neocirrhitus armatus (Flame Hawkfish)
Pterapogon kauderni (Banggai Cardinal)
A peaceful wrasse (not sure which"¦will pick the one I like best from what is available at my LFS when the time comes)
Chaetodon rafflesi (Latticed Butterflyfish)
2 Genicanthus melanospilos (Spotbreast Angels"¦M/F pair)
Ctenochaetus truncatus (Spotted Bristletooth Tang)
Centropyge bispinosa (Coral Beauty)
?? Centropyge loriculus (Flame Angel)"¦I might ultimately decide to omit this one and play it safe.

I think the list and order is fine. Dwarf angels are not reef safe in case "play it safe" refers to that.

Would also love to add a green mandarin, if I can ever figure out a way for my tank to support copepods, but I doubt that's in the cards.

If you add a refugium and wait 6-7 months you should be able to support one

Will be QT'ing all fish and plan to add one new fish every 2-3 months. The fish are listed above in the order I plan to add them to the tank.

Thanks in advance for any comments!
Centropyge bispinosa (Coral Beauty)
?? Centropyge loriculus (Flame Angel)"¦I might ultimately decide to omit this one and play it safe.
I think the list and order is fine. Dwarf angels are not reef safe in case "play it safe" refers to that.

I'm not worried about reef-safe, since my reef is artificial. "Play it safe" referred to risks surrounding the addition of two dwarf angels...a Flame Angel and a Coral Beauty. I think it can be done if both are added together and both are small (greater chance of being female), but I had heard adding two dwarf angels was, nonetheless, risky.

Would also love to add a green mandarin, if I can ever figure out a way for my tank to support copepods, but I doubt that's in the cards.

If you add a refugium and wait 6-7 months you should be able to support one

Snorvich, you have made my day!! :spin1: But, just to confirm...even though I have no live rock (i.e., this is a fish-only tank with artificial coral reef insert)?
I'm not worried about reef-safe, since my reef is artificial. "Play it safe" referred to risks surrounding the addition of two dwarf angels...a Flame Angel and a Coral Beauty. I think it can be done if both are added together and both are small (greater chance of being female), but I had heard adding two dwarf angels was, nonetheless, risky.

I think it should work.

Snorvich, you have made my day!! :spin1: But, just to confirm...even though I have no live rock (i.e., this is a fish-only tank with artificial coral reef insert)?

Sorry, I missed no live rock. Will not work. Sorry
Have 180 mixed reef. Slowly adding occupants. Have a Lamarck's Angel (Genicanthus lamarcki) doing well. Interested in a mated pair of Blackspot Angels (Genicanthus melanospilos). Should I be concerned about staying friends. Scott Michaels book says males may fight with other Genicanthus. Yes or no for the male? Should I stick with the female only or is a 180 big enough?
Have 180 mixed reef. Slowly adding occupants. Have a Lamarck's Angel (Genicanthus lamarcki) doing well. Interested in a mated pair of Blackspot Angels (Genicanthus melanospilos). Should I be concerned about staying friends. Scott Michaels book says males may fight with other Genicanthus. Yes or no for the male? Should I stick with the female only or is a 180 big enough?

Genicanthus species are planktivores and all are swimmers. It is highly probably that your existing lamarcki will take issue with any new Genicanthus even a male lamarcki, especially in a six foot 180 gallon tank.
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